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File 159834505327.png - (276.87KB , 2216x1274 , media_Efd0KcUUcAINkgM_png?name=orig.png )
3846 No. 3846 [Edit]
Anyone following Shimeji Simulation? An excellent, relaxed, and mildly nihilstic 4koma. I think "depressive comedy" is a suitable description of it. It's the current project of tkmiz, the author of Shoujo Shuumastu Ryokou.

Waiting for the world to realign itself so I can start moving on with my life really does feel like watching other people dig holes.
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>> No. 3847 [Edit]
The author lost sight of his creative direction after concluding SSR. Reading it feels as if I'm watching someone who is content with just projecting their inner daydreams onto paper until it's no longer financially viable to do so. The art is decent and the 4koma style is unique, but he jumped the shark when he reintroduced Chito and Yuuri because he's unable come to terms with their deaths. I own a physical copy of volume 1 along with his artbook. It isn't necessarily a bad series, but it isn't making an effort to stand out either.

Also, the demographic of tkmiz groupies that congregate on his Twitter comment section are beyond insufferable and part of the reason why he deletes most of his artwork shortly after it's uploaded.
>> No. 3848 [Edit]
>Also, the demographic of tkmiz groupies that congregate on his Twitter comment section are beyond insufferable and part of the reason why he deletes most of his artwork shortly after it's uploaded.
Why? What happened?
>> No. 3849 [Edit]
>projecting their inner daydreams onto paper until it's no longer financially viable to do so
Meaning what, he just throws random stuff together and pretends it forms a whole?
>> No. 3850 [Edit]
Westerners discovered his Twitter account and as a consequence, they always respond with the most inane and irrelevant shit whenever he posts. It's hard to explain, but you can see for yourself.

There was an incident earlier this year where people attempted to deplatform him after someone compiled a picture of some of his earlier tweets. It lead to tkmiz issuing a formal apology, purging some of his older tweets, posting less frequently, and falling back into suicidal ideation.

Yes, I wouldn't go as far to call it pretending. He's just mapping out the escapist universe in his head and publishing it. For example, Akira Toriyama and Riichi Ueshiba have done the same with their series with success. It all depends on how well an author can string everything together while maintaining a coherent plot.
>> No. 3851 [Edit]
What was the content of his earlier tweet? Was it really bad?
>> No. 3852 [Edit]
>Westerners discovered his Twitter account and as a consequence, they always respond with the most inane and irrelevant shit whenever he posts. It's hard to explain, but you can see for yourself.
I feel bad for him, but these are the consequences for using Twitter.
>> No. 3853 [Edit]
Tweets and I'm not going to draw any more attention to the subject. If you're curious enough, you will find them.
>> No. 3854 [Edit]
File 15983738833.jpg - (288.76KB , 1920x1080 , 1589161895543.jpg )
It was bad for normal standards, but in my book he was just one of us.
>> No. 3855 [Edit]
>Waiting for the world to realign itself so I can start moving on with my life really does feel like watching other people dig holes
What do you mean?

Post edited on 25th Aug 2020, 11:04am
>> No. 3856 [Edit]
They're a lolicon and posted about it on twitter.
>> No. 3857 [Edit]
loli doujin they wrote here
>> No. 3858 [Edit]
The demographics of twitter is really nasty, not that I use it myself. Don't know why so many Japanese creators would subject themselves to such crowds.
>> No. 3859 [Edit]
cause america website is so cool, boy~~
Japanese people aren't immune to the narcissistic addiction of having an online identity and getting instant attention and feeback for pretty much every little thought and sketch. They never bothered to make their own website for that purpose either.
>> No. 3860 [Edit]
FC2, Pixiv, and Niconico also serve the same purpose. Twitter just has a higher success rate for getting exposure.

That's the prologue to Shimeji Simulation. To my knowledge, he hasn't been active in any doujin circles for years.
>> No. 3861 [Edit]
I like it. It has a very dreamlike atmosphere which I enjoy.
>> No. 3862 [Edit]
...This doujin doesn't make any sense.

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