No. 1597
Guts can hurt Griffith/Femto. If you don't remember, there was an explanation of the Dragonslayer being imbued with the power to kill ethereal beings because of the fact that Guts killed so many creatures (humans, demons, apostles, etc.) with it.
The only thing that Guts needs is to get stronger since he most likely won't be able to touch Griffith as he is now. That's not even including the fact that Guts will have to fight Griffith's team of apostles.
As of right now, it is impossible to correctly guess what is going to happen since there are so many things that can happen with what has been shown. Guts so far wants to forget about revenge and just live a peaceful life with Caska, however the whole thing with the world changing has probably made Elf island uninhabitable.