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File 134615960287.png - (1.37MB , 1280x700 , 1339444395043.png )
1188 No. 1188 [Edit]
Tell me about your favorite manga, /tc/. It would be nice if you would explain why it's your favorite in a few sentences.

You can include multiple categories if you want to, for example 'favorite seinen', 'favorite ongoing series', 'favorite one shot compilation' but I'd like you to refrain from including favorites based on just one aspect of a series if possible ('favorite female lead', 'best art style', 'favorite plot twist').
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>> No. 2373 [Edit]
Great taste mahman.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
Nr.1: Onani Master Kurosawa
Nr.2: Molester Man
Those two are really good and not too different from each other. The stories are well made and they even gave me a little feels
>> No. 2977 [Edit]
I was actually just about to reply to this thread with Devilman, but i'm suprised to see anybody even mention Devilman lady let alone call it a favorite. The main reason i'm not terribly fond of Devilman lady is because of how many chapters there were which did little to remotely progress the plot, and the terrible ending. Devilman has parts which are little more than action as well, but they much shorter and less frequent in the beginning. It feels like it has the perfect length for a tragedy manga. I still think Devilman Lady deserves some credit though. Go Nagais art was superb, and the monster of the week formula is entertaining enough. Maybe if the original Devilman didn't exist, i'd appreciate it more.
>> No. 2978 [Edit]
Oshimi Shuzo's works in general, although his endings tend to blow in a Evangelion 'omedetou' sort of way.

They just fit me like a glove in many respects.
>> No. 2981 [Edit]
In the dark side of manga Homunculus always have a place in my heart, its awesome. Followed by Nijigahara Holograph or Oyasumi Punpun, those are insane.
More recently I´m a hero i think is the best i read i years.

In the colorful side... FMA, Welcome to the nhk, Lupin III, Golgo 13, Saki
>> No. 3038 [Edit]
File 149516029486.png - (562.10KB , 830x1200 , Medaka Box 55 017.png )
Medaka Box
The characters and execution are just really good, even if it is just a battle shonen. Specifically this guy and his personality, he's a major part of what makes it so good to read. It's not the deepest or most flawless manga, but it probably has the most heart. You can feel that the writer and artist enjoyed making this story.
>> No. 3045 [Edit]
I had a very abusive non-father, that can pretty much sum up why I like a manga all about a great one so much.
I cried like an infant for three hours solid when I finished reading it.
Oyaji's real cool in that his actions speak for him. He's a near completely silent protagonist, yet he has so much influence and charisma in spite of it. The manga's plot unfolds in only 24 hours, and in this short time, Oyaji managed to have such a great deal of impact on his family in a very believable way.
There were these really heart wrenching panels where Oyaji would close his eyes and envision how his now young adult children looked when they were toddlers...
I'm going to read it again right now and have another good cry.
>> No. 3060 [Edit]
I really like Oshimi Shuzuo. He's definitely one of my favorite manga artists. I've read basically everything available in English.

Punpun started out fine but then it got really edgy and the protagonist became unlikeable. That's the point though I guess. I'm of the opinion that everything Asano Inio did is better than Punpun, though Punpun is still okay.

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