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File 150568374566.jpg - (270.65KB , 700x700 , 014.jpg )
920 No. 920 [Edit]
hello, can i post here?
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>> No. 921 [Edit]
Yes, you can. Specially Homu and cats.
>> No. 922 [Edit]
File 150583660363.jpg - (89.26KB , 427x330 , 1504424819523.jpg )
>> No. 1507 [Edit]
No sorry, the board is closed.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
I just realized TC's board page numbers are 0-indexed instead of 1-indexed. A nice touch.
>> No. 1545 [Edit]
How can it be nice if it discriminates against luafags?
>> No. 1565 [Edit]
Posting is very easy friend, anyone can do it. The real challenge is replying though, I've been on TC for 8 years and still haven't figured it out.
>> No. 1566 [Edit]
Unless you are banned, you should have the ability to.
>> No. 1567 [Edit]
you'll get it someday anon
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