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1555 No. 1555 [Edit]
>> No. 1556 [Edit]
>> No. 1558 [Edit]
I like to think that you know as well as I do that nobody on this site wants to see posts that could be expected of the average 4channer. Tohno-chan is a place to be better than that and everyone here expects that standard that this place was built on. Your post, however, does not meet that standard. You ignored everything I said just to call me gay when you could have been far more mature and ignored my post or at least been more creative in how you call me a filthy flaming flamboyant fairy fag floppy sucking fucking faggot fucker but you did neither and that's not only very childish of you but also quite gay. Perhaps /lol/ is exempt from the standards the rest of the site is held to in which case, fine, I'll admit it's my loss. But you still not only failed to provide an argument, you failed to even say anything relevant to the post you replied to and anything relevant to the thread topic on top of failing to at least try to be funny and it's with all that in mind I must reiterate that it's quite gay of you. In anticipation of you saying /lol/ has nothing in the way of post quality standards, which you will likely decide not to say after I do this or use against me, I will now proceed to furiously masturbate to hardcore trap hentai and amass a cum jar collection to rival the weight of the piss bottles scattered about your room before I find your house and turbo fuck your mother. To add a cherry on top, I will also post a trap, all of this just to spite you, to punish you, in the hopes that you will use your anger and disgust to learn where replying with "licking traps is gey so ur ghey xD teehee" gets you so that someday you might be a better anon. I'm disappointed in you because I expect better of you.
>> No. 1559 [Edit]


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