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File 166572002842.jpg - (964.72KB , 1152x1605 , __komeiji_satori_touhou_drawn_by_yawdeone__0ebc68e.jpg )
1526 No. 1526 [Edit]
Tohno-chan is too normal for me. I'll be moving to shortwave radio to discuss otaku topics with actually likeminded people, in encrypted morse code to keep the likes of you all out.
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
Morse code is too well known, you're not really in the underground communities unless you communicate via the digital flag semaphor that is written sign language.
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
Tch. It can't be helped. I'm going out deep into the wilderness and writing otaku essays with cave etching. There are no true otaku today, just me.
Far into the future however, my critiques will be an enigma to be deciphered by the most dedicated of individuals. Once they understand my work, they too will be true otaku. It will be the only remaining piece of information from this era, and frankly, that is for the best.
>> No. 1529 [Edit]
Ganbatte anon! Be sure to throw in a few nonsensical cave etchings as well just to fuck with future linguists.

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