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File 14924125652.jpg - (0.99MB , 1280x1440 , kemono-friends-05.jpg )
9 No. 9 [Edit]
How about a thread for discussing the show/story itself?
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>> No. 10 [Edit]
File 149241263467.jpg - (213.95KB , 1200x674 , 1458832145001.jpg )
Anyone care to explain to me what this thing is?
>> No. 11 [Edit]
It looks like it's a shiny Serval. Hopefully you caught it in a cool looking pokeball.
>> No. 12 [Edit]
So there's absolutely no way to play the original KF Android game, huh
>> No. 13 [Edit]
You can download the apk for it, but I don't think you'd be able to get past a loading screen.
>> No. 162 [Edit]
File 150405069138.jpg - (92.25KB , 515x1000 , 15c4fa597d12cb1a1.jpg )
Taken from the Japari Library wiki:
>A unique exception to the usual nature of Cerulean is the character Cerval, a Cerulean learning how to live as a Friend after having taken the form of a Serval Cat. To date, she only appeared in the Kemono Friends game.
>> No. 163 [Edit]
kemonos final form
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