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File 17263793508.jpg - (87.23KB , 576x768 , dar1lcudjrod1.jpg )
666 No. 666 [Edit]
More information on October 4th, it appears.
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>> No. 667 [Edit]
There's also going to be a 10th anniversary special broadcast at 1900, along with a talk show 4 days from now, apparently. They're also apparently rebroadcasting all the KF anime starting with Welcome to Japari Park starting on the 4th, followed by 2 on November 1st (for whatever reason they're going anachronistically), and then Kemono Friends on December 6th.

Still no word on what Kemono Diary is though. If it's a new anime project, they're being hush-hush about the details.
>> No. 668 [Edit]
>and then Kemono Friends on December 6th.
They're saving the best for last, obviously
>> No. 673 [Edit]
File 172811146299.jpg - (1.03MB , 1920x1080 , z9jayjwb0qsd1.jpg )
It's a fucking NFT.

>> No. 674 [Edit]
It's almost like they're purposefully trying to shit on the kf legacy.
>> No. 675 [Edit]
No, it's more like nobody else wants to work with them on a dead franchise. Vultures, that's all what's left.
>> No. 676 [Edit]
Could they have done anything more pathetic than this?

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