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File 166866093370.jpg - (50.84KB , 1148x555 , cap.jpg )
637 No. 637 [Edit]

Looks like the franchise isn't dead just yet.
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>> No. 638 [Edit]
Not in China, at least... Who knows if the IP holders have lost all hope in the west (or even JP too lmao).
Even if they localized it I wouldn't touch it, just not a fan of gacha shit unfortunately.
>> No. 639 [Edit]
Weird. There is nothing about that on the official Kemono Friends Youtube Channel, also it's in Chinese and it does not look like many people have seen it or are commenting about it, 1k saw it so far and only one person commented on it and he did so in English(that's not me).
It seems like it may be a Chinese rip off.

The Kemono friends Mobile game gets regular updates still, it's not dead. I don't know what is happening with Season 3, if their even will be one. I hope so.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
File 169131194754.png - (3.28MB , 3840x1644 , Screenshot_20230722-151734.png )
Played some of it. I was certainly not expecting angry birds style of gameplay. For some odd reason you're given a plane shaped like a paper airplane (I wonder what that's a reference to), and I guess it's used as both an excuse to zip you around the map instantly, and also acts as a catapult during fights to fling your Friends at enemies. Something that kills my interest in mobile games is if they have really bland uninspired or generic gameplay, which this kinda falls into. I appreciate that the dialog is fully voiced, but character sprites are all live 2D which looks okay for some characters and bad if not creepy and awkward for others. It also has this interesting bug I've never seen in a mobile game before, where a specific effect/element they use for tutorial dialog, is semi transparent in a way that will display your phone's screen and any icons on it.
I'm not far into the story yet but seemed like it was rehashing a lot of the same beats as the story from the anime, but with different characters. Thought it was a bit odd they kept calling Japari park "kingdom". Didn't seem like it took them long to find another human character though.
Some story segments seemed to drag on too. It's not as bad as some mobile games, but in general I feel like mobile games should divide up the stories a bit better into chunks since people are likely going to be playing on the go when they have a few spare minutes.

It feels like a half baked attempt at reviving the franchise and possibly reaching new players, but it's hard not to think how it only exists because of that anime which got so horribly mishandled. Surely they must be aware why the IP has any level of recognition? I'm not sure why they're even bothering. They drove KF into the ground, fought and betrayed both the fans and creators, but rather then try to fix the issue or even admit to having done anything wrong, they rather just throw out more content and hope lightning strikes again. I don't know how they can expect that to happen, if they even do. Maybe they know it's never going to be big again, maybe they're content with just scraping off whatever they can get out of it since it's slightly more profitable than an entirely unknown IP.

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