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File 16039484735.jpg - (200.11KB , 1920x1080 , せいぜいがんばれ!魔法少女くるみ.jpg )
587 No. 587 [Edit]
Post here when you see Kemono friends references in other media.
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>> No. 592 [Edit]
File 160497512545.jpg - (87.16KB , 1280x720 , [SubsPlease] Healin Good Precure - 30 (720p) [8891.jpg )
Could be a subtle one, not sure.
>> No. 642 [Edit]
File 167298860670.jpg - (90.24KB , 960x540 , アニマルフレンズ.jpg )
I feel sorry for Docchi Socchi (Acchi Kocchi) on the far left. It seems to have gone unnoticed by both Japan and the Anglosphere.
Two shelves down (not in this screencap) you can also see ふわキャン (Fuwa Camp, Yuru Camp) and BLACK BOX (SHIROBAKO(?)).
>> No. 643 [Edit]
What show is this? trace.moe isn't picking up anything so I assume it's something currently airing.
>> No. 644 [Edit]
onii-chan wa oshimai

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