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File 149622163123.jpg - (322.74KB , 1357x1300 , 4e46f1f40996270308ab625b5f8d9763b9214f95.jpg )
56 No. 56 [Edit]
I'd kill to see these things pop up at mcdonald's.
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>> No. 57 [Edit]
File 149622167659.jpg - (513.01KB , 1779x1500 , 12e339cb37a9456369561759d6cf227e6f56c53a.jpg )
Series two lol
>> No. 59 [Edit]
File 149630026024.png - (440.18KB , 994x934 , eurasian eagle owl and northern white-faced owl ea.png )
I feel like a decent set of little fixed pose statuettes would go down well even outside of the McDonalds context. Especially if they were the affordable sort. I imagine that you'd sell a lot because most people like a few different friends and if they're on the lower end of the price range, then they're more likely to pick up a few and let's be real, if we can put up with the animation of the show, then we will put up with solid but not amazing sculpting. Or at least I would.
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