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392 No. 392 [Edit]
After what happened with Kadokawa, it feels wrong to still support the series. I feel like every toy or BD or plush bought after the original team was fired sends a message that fans don't really care about what Kadokawa did. It's like finding out the small charity you supported is a scam run by a billionaire who pockets the money, and still donating it anyway.
>> No. 393 [Edit]
> It's like finding out the small charity you supported is a scam run by a billionaire who pockets the money, and still donating it anyway.

I'd say it's more like your local community coming together to support a struggling restaurant run by nice friendly people. Then once it becomes successful and popular, it's owners swoop in to fire everyone, turn the restaurant into a franchise, and whore out the brand. All while the original staff eat shit on a curb and people keep lining up for more like nothing happened.
>> No. 394 [Edit]
I can't be throwing money at things like figs now anyways so it matters not to me! Really though, even if you boycott merch from this series, there are loads of other titles owned by kadokawa. Chances are, if you buy figs already you're giving them money.
>> No. 407 [Edit]
This is the reason why I hate pavilionfags. Their demand creates abominations like the Puzzle shit.

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