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File 151645305615.png - (811.11KB , 798x1000 , __shoebill_kemono_friends_drawn_by_oisu_yomi__f03e.png )
380 No. 380 [Edit]
I had dream about her tonight
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>> No. 381 [Edit]
Do tell
>> No. 382 [Edit]
File 151646302586.jpg - (139.67KB , 850x1410 , __shoebill_kemono_friends_drawn_by_shimejinameko__.jpg )
I was sleeping with her and then she told me she could be anyone I wanted her to be
It was somewhat distrubing and calming
>> No. 397 [Edit]
File 151864702887.png - (1.71MB , 1920x1088 , vlcsnap-error759.png )
Let us discuss about the sexualizing of the shoebill
>> No. 398 [Edit]
Haven't all the friends been sexed up?
>> No. 402 [Edit]
File 151898723451.jpg - (421.82KB , 2462x3153 , __shoebill_kemono_friends_drawn_by_unasaka_ryou__0.jpg )
Those boobs are disgusting. I've also seen lots of fanarts where her boobs are like some two bags of potatoes sewn to her chest. In fact, it has become a standard depiction of Shoebill. There are few cute arts, and tons of oversexualized crap that got basic anatomy wrong. I like to think of her more like of slighlty withdrawn, observant and tomboyish type. She was just like that in the show, and I liked her. Not swiming in semen or terribly deformed.

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