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File 149257649840.jpg - (70.15KB , 788x920 , 4da7b71dedc34567b8861440c2e59715_jpeg.jpg )
16 No. 16 [Edit]
Post an offering, tribute, fan art, ritual, sacrifice, etc. for the daily worship of whatever kemono friend you decided to worship today.
24 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 593 [Edit]
File 161258328218.jpg - (2.38MB , 2456x1736 , acfe3c1bea07293d03604ece5d14ab9d.jpg )
>> No. 594 [Edit]
File 161336882451.png - (9.57MB , 4200x2240 , kemono_friends.png )
I've had this in my wallpaper rotation. Always elicits a moment of reflection.
>> No. 595 [Edit]
That's a nice one.
>> No. 596 [Edit]
File 161337060058.png - (5.20MB , 3840x2160 , japari.png )
Here's another one I have that I also like. Kaban and Serval side-by-side, looking off into the sunset – it evokes and rekindles everything I love about kemono friends, from their close bond to that tinge of mono no aware found in each episode and in the ED.

(Sidenote: I wish there were more anime-themed wallpapers that have good composition – i.e. aren't just a picture of an anime girl blatantly imposed on some solid color)

Post edited on 14th Feb 2021, 10:37pm
>> No. 597 [Edit]
Agreed. It's oddly hard to find more scenic style anime art.
>> No. 598 [Edit]
File 161338790256.jpg - (1.19MB , 3730x3794 , __serval_kaban_and_lucky_beast_kemono_friends_draw.jpg )
That's a very cute King Ghidorah. Reminds me of Doublas M2 from Robot Girls Z.

That's everything I loved from the series too, I don't think the bonds between Kaban and Serval have been and could ever be replicated. It's a beautiful thing and I really miss them. Shame things have to end this way.

Have anyone read Quick Waipa's manga? Apparently it's supposed to be the continuation of S1.
>> No. 613 [Edit]
File 165326949096.png - (103.72KB , 780x439 , nanoda.png )
I've read it and I loved it. It's so good, and unfortunately it's also the closest we will get to a SS1 part 2.
>> No. 614 [Edit]
I hope this board gets revived, although I guess it was never really alive from the start

Post edited on 25th May 2022, 8:32pm
>> No. 615 [Edit]
File 165353601351.png - (819.26KB , 850x708 , lart.png )
Forgot to attach the image
>> No. 616 [Edit]
Do you have a link to these? I've found papercraft for Ika Musume, Madoka, and I remember seeing the image you posted before but I wasn't able to find the source with printable graphic.
>> No. 617 [Edit]
Ah got it: https://muumin-craft.wixsite.com/papercraft/fennec
I think I also had one of Hakase saved somewhere, let me try to find that
>> No. 618 [Edit]
It was made with the hope that KF would turn into the next touhou, back before it was murdered. It does seem like there's still a small about of people out there that still have love for the franchise and still make content related to it in spite of everything. Maybe that'll grow with time as people move past the controversy?
>> No. 619 [Edit]
Here's the collection of KF papercraft: includes Bossu, Serval, Owls, and Fennec. https://files.catbox.moe/jn4pyu.zip
>> No. 620 [Edit]
File 16542166519.jpg - (108.87KB , 850x850 , dawg.jpg )
>> No. 621 [Edit]
File 165463991883.png - (867.20KB , 1080x1527 , Mairuka_is_bored_kemono_friends.png )
It's been some 5 years since then, so... I don't really think the amount of fans will increase that much, or who knows, maybe some gacha shit with a license will do the trick.
>> No. 622 [Edit]
There's a lot of western media that failed on release but developed a cult following over time, which then got enough attention to result in new entries in the series. Who knows, could happen here too.
>> No. 623 [Edit]

The game just got a PS5 release, I guess? So there's clearly enough users to justify that still. Either way, the franchise is not likely to be resurrected.
>> No. 624 [Edit]
Isn't KF3 a gacha game? (Although the original nexon game may also have been too.) It's basically as good as dead though when they're milking it for money rather than trying to continue an artistic vision.
>> No. 625 [Edit]
It was always a mixed media project; any artistic vision that might have accidentally appeared was incidental to the goal of making money through gacha.
>> No. 626 [Edit]
File 165514057096.jpg - (86.39KB , 850x990 , balls in my face.jpg )
Fox bros?
>> No. 627 [Edit]
Gin-gitsune's dance in the KF/udon collaboration ad is extremely cute
>> No. 628 [Edit]
File 165559184626.jpg - (76.71KB , 850x1202 , __fennec_kemono_friends_drawn_by_iwa_iwafish__samp.jpg )
fox bros...
>> No. 629 [Edit]
File 165602774419.jpg - (173.55KB , 799x1200 , __common_dolphin_kemono_friends_drawn_by_nyororiso.jpg )
>> No. 631 [Edit]
File 165696100325.jpg - (93.66KB , 850x956 , __fennec_kemono_friends_drawn_by_manme__sample-b62.jpg )
PKM fennec
>> No. 632 [Edit]
Seems like it'd be arai-san with the gun
>> No. 633 [Edit]
Yes, but she couldn't figure out how to use it so Fennec is filling in for her
>> No. 634 [Edit]
File 165739046014.jpg - (137.06KB , 850x1202 , __gambian_rat_kemono_friends_drawn_by_370ml__sampl.jpg )
There's not enough Gambian Rat art out there
>> No. 635 [Edit]
File 165800466376.jpg - (141.51KB , 850x1360 , __dhole_kemono_friends_drawn_by_mikan_toshi__sampl.jpg )
She's going to die from heat stroke
>> No. 636 [Edit]
File 166728494229.jpg - (600.70KB , 1044x810 , 5ed4bf03f538a423dee952156e4df42a.jpg )
>> No. 645 [Edit]
File 167514472038.jpg - (121.88KB , 850x1360 , 1.jpg )
Friend to be worshipped today: Arai-san
>> No. 651 [Edit]
File 170748268236.jpg - (94.72KB , 768x1024 , 90b17d79a28cf3c4eeb3cdac83e8de68.jpg )
Here's Ezo Red Fox, the first Kemono Friend I knew way before I watched the show. She's my waifu for life
>> No. 652 [Edit]
Her friendship with silver fox is really cute!
>> No. 653 [Edit]
File 171643687674.jpg - (2.64MB , 1488x2105 , GOMPlwvacAAPaW0.jpg )
The thread has been so slow that we ought to make up for it with two tributes!
>> No. 654 [Edit]
File 171827913881.jpg - (338.82KB , 1280x1208 , GP8y2AvbsAAFqdn.jpg )
Does Lucky count as a Friend?
>> No. 655 [Edit]
I don't think so. Lucky is basically a robot built to act as a tour guide and assistant in the park. It's not affiliated with any actual animals.
>> No. 656 [Edit]
Maybe it's possible he contains a tiny bit of sandstar though, enough to give him intelligence?
>> No. 657 [Edit]
File 171872184169.jpg - (108.50KB , 875x1307 , F74MwolbYAAFpkL.jpg )
>> No. 658 [Edit]
File 171916156732.jpg - (309.04KB , 1462x2048 , GQwC3UtaoAAJ0F7.jpg )
>> No. 659 [Edit]
File 171916312247.jpg - (361.71KB , 860x1216 , GCjkM0HbwAAV12L.jpg )
Nanoda love!
>> No. 663 [Edit]
File 172034451249.jpg - (213.69KB , 1806x2048 , GR3mRgMacAID3uf.jpg )
>> No. 664 [Edit]
File 172165125679.jpg - (338.82KB , 1600x1800 , GTBlj_wa8AAR4R_.jpg )
I woke up in an idol mood this morning.
>> No. 665 [Edit]
File 172320330776.jpg - (97.96KB , 990x1024 , GUeNLdRWYAAFuiT.jpg )
I wonder why artists post more penguins in the summer... It must be pretty hot in Japan.
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File 172753767745.jpg - (1.31MB , 1657x1803 , GYkjbYwa0AApTEy.jpg )
>> No. 670 [Edit]
What about the sacrifice of director Tatsuki, who was robbed?
>> No. 671 [Edit]
File 17276324945.jpg - (408.86KB , 986x1132 , Cross-Over_full_2729725.jpg )
>the sacrifice of director Tatsuki
This is not a Kemurikusa thread.
>> No. 672 [Edit]
kemurikusa was really underrated as a show, I feel like not even many KF fans watched it.
>> No. 677 [Edit]
File 173037008221.jpg - (2.50MB , 2039x2894 , GbMSzUJbgAENGlr.jpg )
Happy Halloween!
>> No. 678 [Edit]
File 173220427237.jpg - (1.59MB , 2039x2894 , Gc6QnTsb0AAipP5.jpg )
>> No. 679 [Edit]
Been listening to ED on loop a lot lately because I feel sad. Their friendship, it's too precious. The confession of unconditional friendship, so direct and heartwarming.
>> No. 681 [Edit]
File 173572788619.jpg - (471.33KB , 2048x1482 , GgM3fWdb0AAWH5G.jpg )
Happy New Year!
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