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File 150386833789.png - (1.32MB , 1378x2039 , 62657183_p0.png )
159 No. 159 [Edit]
ITT: Post friends that did not appear in the anime. I will start with Kiwi-chan.
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>> No. 165 [Edit]
File 150459593182.jpg - (47.42KB , 500x700 , 40269f78c4ade17a426cfd32b60b328fd5be1f22.jpg )
>Hilgendorf's tube-nosed bat (Murina hilgendorfi) is a species of vesper bat in the family Vespertilionidae. In Japan they are called 'tengu komori', after the mythical creature called the Tengu. It was formerly thought to be a subspecies of Murina leucogaster (called Murina leucogaster hilgendorfi), but is now known to be a distinct species.

>Kingdom: Animalia
>Phylum: Chordata
>Class: Mammalia
>Order: Chiroptera
>Family: Vespertilionidae
>Genus: Murina
>Species: M. hilgendorfi

Source: Wikipedia
>> No. 241 [Edit]
File 151071155167.png - (656.98KB , 1200x1800 , Spotted_Nutcracker.png )
>The spotted nutcracker, Eurasian nutcracker, or just nutcracker, (Nucifraga caryocatactes) is a passerine bird slightly larger than the Eurasian jay. It has a much larger bill and a slimmer looking head without any crest. The feathering over its body is predominantly a chocolate brown with distinct white spots and streaks. The wings and upper tail are virtually black with a greenish-blue gloss. It is one of three species of nutcracker. The large-spotted nutcracker (Nucifraga multipunctata), was formerly considered a subspecies of spotted. The other member of the genus, Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana), occurs in western North America.

>Kingdom: Animalia
>Phylum: Chordata
>Class: Aves
>Order: Passeriformes
>Family: Corvidae
>Genus: Nucifraga
>Species: N. caryocatactes

Source: Wikipedia.com
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