So, the results of the 2021 popularity contest came up some days ago, and Youmu won again. How does she keeps getting away with it? What's her secret to so many fans? edited on 3rd Feb 2022, 10:12am
Mokou, my favorite, is rising in popularity I see.
>What's her secret to so many fans? She's the softest!
Just passing by to tell everyone who hasn't voted yet to go and vote. There's just one more day until voting ends. Don't forget.
>>2447 I can't wait for my favorite to win 1st place!
Any bets for this year's?
>>2449 A bit of a long shot, but possibly Flandre. More likely, Marisa.
How long do they take after voting to announce the winner?
>>2451 Looks like a few months. Last one was held in June, and looks like results were early this year.
Oh, results are out. Looks like my guess was right.
My favourite girl Elly keeps falling. Noooo!! I will have to campaign for her better next time.
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