No. 2392
>I want to know everything I need to know to get into it.
You don't need to know anything to get into it, most don't seem to.
>What games I should play
Start with EOSD, it's the most important one with the most recognisable and frequently recurring characters. Touhou essentially starts from there(there are people that will get angry at such a statement but even ZUN said that the pre-EOSD games are not really cannon).
>to the most recent
You kind of have to play them all if you want to meet all of the characters, each game introduces new ones. That said, if you don't like the games you can just read the Dialogue on Touhou wiki.
>the mangas
>and the things I should read/play to know all the lore.
Touhou Wiki lists all the official works, read them. You can find the works themselves on Moriya Shrine. The games contain character dialogue and some basic backstory but most of the lore is in literature.
>the doujishins,
They are doujins so don't really matter. Youkai to Oni no Kyoukai Jou and The beauty of scarlet are some good stories about Meiling, but again, they are just Doujins.
>the best fan-games
Again, they don't matter. Touhou Genso Wanderer is a good game though. You can download fan-games from Moriya Shrine as well.
>the music,
You will pick that up by playing the game. Other than that Phoneix Kappashiro, Flan and Tenshi are pretty good Youtube channels for renditions, you can then look for anything that you like on their channels at 9 Tensu f you want to get the album. There are so many different people making so many different genres of Touhou music renditions.