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File 159423698755.jpg - (110.50KB , 640x508 , 019dce75e67faf7a8e0da53bec597e94.jpg )
2350 No. 2350 [Edit]
Why not make it a real bullet hell?
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>> No. 2351 [Edit]
It would be against the rules.
>> No. 2353 [Edit]
Marisa has a gun!
>> No. 2360 [Edit]
Because it would be too hard to make, and very nauseating. There are a few fangames that explore this concept such as EoSD 3d and touhou doom, they look like a seizure fest.
>> No. 2370 [Edit]
I want to see a top-down little girl bullet hell where all the characters are using real guns from historical conflicts, but still flying around on mecha-brooms or something.
>> No. 2371 [Edit]
Sounds a lot like Strike Witches.
>> No. 2372 [Edit]
No, nothing like strike wotches. I really don't like that aesthetic.
>> No. 2381 [Edit]
But 2hu doom was excellent. The surprise topdown section was some of the most fun I've ever had in doom.
>> No. 2383 [Edit]
File 162158462739.jpg - (58.94KB , 512x800 , c6be07a1097a84a4b5d898c6f85fa7dc.jpg )
Rather than Strike Withes where the girls have mecha legs, the mechabroom part reminds me of its spiritual predecessor Konami Mecha Musume

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