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File 15897264026.jpg - (51.84KB , 570x730 , eb99683d4724f3949e21a8c5022c57e1.jpg )
2330 No. 2330 [Edit]
What the hell are Sakuya's powers and how do they work???
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>> No. 2331 [Edit]
File 158972879073.jpg - (367.30KB , 1290x2011 , 2019-06-12-994986.jpg )
Her powers are being extremely cute and classy.
We don't know how they work.
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
File 158972907388.jpg - (470.29KB , 1000x828 , 8aee8749b9ff2dcf8ad74febeb5bcacf.jpg )
I meant the time and space stuff.
>> No. 2333 [Edit]
OP as fuck power but still getting her ass kicked into servitude.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
My headcanon is that she tried to fight Remilia and was much weaker then, became a servant and then got a lot stronger.
>> No. 2335 [Edit]
Sakuya is just Yumeko using a fake identity to commit fraud.
>> No. 2336 [Edit]
File 158976475313.png - (354.98KB , 600x600 , Sakuya 004.png )
It's magic.
>> No. 2337 [Edit]
Makes sense. I figured Remilia was just -that- fast and could react in an instant once things change and knives popup out of nowhere.
>> No. 2338 [Edit]
Maybe she voluntarily serves Remilia or actually gets her power from Remilia.

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