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File 157104239293.jpg - (248.29KB , 950x1286 , Marisa.jpg )
2284 No. 2284 [Edit]
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>> No. 2285 [Edit]
File 157105171131.jpg - (313.58KB , 640x960 , Toho Yukari 047.jpg )
It's true, it is.
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
File 15710519276.jpg - (144.72KB , 800x934 , __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_mitsunara__669cc.jpg )
Too cutsey Marisa doesn't sit well with me. She's a thieving, boarish witch.
>> No. 2287 [Edit]
I imagine the Marisa in OPs image as playing nice just before beating you up and stealing your stuff.
>> No. 2288 [Edit]
She sounds like she has the personality of a 3d.
>> No. 2289 [Edit]
This entire thread is made by one schizo who is schizo replying to himself. The absolute state of this dead board.
>> No. 2290 [Edit]
No it's not, I made >>2285
>> No. 2291 [Edit]
File 157122557851.jpg - (204.18KB , 500x699 , __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_satou_yuuki__c1f.jpg )
That's just want the other guy here wants you to believe.
>> No. 2292 [Edit]
Would you let Marisa steel your shit?
>> No. 2293 [Edit]
I don't know why she'd want it but sure. I was just going to flush it anyway.

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