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File 140322306570.jpg - (75.33KB , 700x630 , myon.jpg )
1606 No. 1606 [Edit]
Who, of all the however many characters there are in Gensokyo, is your favorite?

For me, Youmu is. What about you?
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>> No. 1607 [Edit]
File 140322438044.jpg - (133.49KB , 422x600 , ba517981d598362541dbe35fcc1700ad8c656b90.jpg )
I've always been an Alice fan. Besides being cute she's relatable in that she's a sad depressive loner who collects dolls. Also I think her and Marisa make a really nice pair.
>> No. 1608 [Edit]
File 140322625558.png - (468.60KB , 862x600 , 1330811805739.png )
she has lovely peaches
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
It's a tossup between Patchouli and Cirno. It's weird, it was quite recently I began to perceive Cirno as an amazing character, it fell upon me like that. Same with Reimu, Remilia and Nazrin, which are close runners. But yeah, Patchouli has been my favourite for the longest.
>> No. 1615 [Edit]
OH! I was sure you would complement her buttocks, but it was the peaches you were eyeing all along!
>> No. 1627 [Edit]
File 14032570377.jpg - (123.88KB , 600x800 , 38d745517cbea53da4e0498ca33993e9.jpg )
I'm usually a Remi fan, but lately I've been liking Ran
>> No. 1636 [Edit]
Kaguya, she seems so elegant and refined
>> No. 1637 [Edit]
Personally, I like Satori the best. Definitely the cutest!!
>> No. 1688 [Edit]
Yes. Either Satori or Koishi!
>> No. 1691 [Edit]
File 140764727884.jpg - (318.67KB , 800x740 , tumblr_n41tbkfVax1srothro9_1280.jpg )
Futatsuiwa Mamizou.

This might have more to do with how much I love tanuki.
>> No. 1693 [Edit]
File 141001813428.jpg - (858.35KB , 3815x2988 , 1409108857268.jpg )
It's Suwako.
>> No. 1715 [Edit]
File 141444829462.jpg - (260.06KB , 1373x838 , Konachan_com - 127525 animal_ears blush catgirl ch.jpg )
It's not one character exactly, but I like the Sakuya, Ran and Chen crew.
>> No. 1717 [Edit]
File 141497169049.png - (716.42KB , 1094x1008 , 1411889206527.png )
Tewi forever
>> No. 1719 [Edit]
>Sakuya, Ran and Chen
That's new.
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
Oh shit silly me.
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
chen has two moms \(・ω・\)
>> No. 1752 [Edit]
File 141841002271.jpg - (282.83KB , 700x923 , 0c4f4d0f035028c2a9066b1cad06f77c.jpg )
I love all 2hus and consider them all to be perfect, but Youmu is my favorite.
>> No. 1788 [Edit]

Same but for me it is Tewi, Suwako, and Sakuya
>> No. 1789 [Edit]

along with Koishi, Satori, Alice, Marisa, Okuu, Ran, Chen and Aya. I know that's too many favorites but I simply cannot live without any of them.

All the touhous are seriously great. There's not a single one that I legitimately don't like :V

Thank you ZUN for making my favorite series of all time
>> No. 1798 [Edit]
Utsuho, of course!
>> No. 1799 [Edit]
File 143931889579.jpg - (669.91KB , 1137x805 , Konachan_com%20-%20174075%20book%20bow%20dress%20h.jpg )
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
File 143932426166.jpg - (1.16MB , 1200x1600 , prostMokou.jpg )
Mokou and Mistia are my favorites. Her grilled eel and Mokou is another good mate to hang out with at Mistias booth.
>> No. 1803 [Edit]
File 143997672919.png - (0.98MB , 708x1000 , Hong Meiling 02.png )
Hong Meiling, she is beautiful, stylish, a martial artist and disciplined.
>> No. 1811 [Edit]
File 144515231368.jpg - (480.03KB , 1410x1600 , 108_526l.jpg )
Remilia is my absolute favourite touhou character, but I also really like Mokou, Yukari, Suika, Yuugi, Sakuya, Patchouli, Yomu, Yuuka and Cirno.

I think I like all touhou characters, actually. I can't think of any who I actually dislike. Touhou is all really wonderful.
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
File 144886413315.png - (348.97KB , 650x750 , f54669442c97f66baee37ac13011e5ae.png )
Parsee a supercute.
>> No. 1913 [Edit]
File 145118571954.jpg - (510.24KB , 800x800 , kazami yuuka.jpg )
Yuuka is a beautiful lady and does not have a lake of blood in her sunflower field
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
File 145385373718.png - (251.59KB , 600x600 , 678fc3bd884d656cfd28d6b165ff8661.png )
Alice and Remilia share the second place.
>> No. 2079 [Edit]
File 146801446458.png - (399.95KB , 416x800 , 1465664877700-b.png )
>> No. 2100 [Edit]
File 147634902249.png - (3.71KB , 165x90 , 1474650060870.png )
the real question is witch 2hu wud u fug??
>> No. 2101 [Edit]
option D) give them all the D
>> No. 2106 [Edit]
File 147822996880.png - (1.47MB , 1061x1500 , 1477578709864.png )
I'm fond of Koishi. She has neat references in her theme and spellcards, and her story is interesting/sad. I'm also a bit envious of her, I wish I could be out-of-existence like that. She's basically just invisible. She also has no friends and everyone hates her, so he is just as lonely as me.

Her character design is also pleasing. Every Touhou has a pleasing character design though.
>> No. 2107 [Edit]
Ask this question is very complicate but for all the meaning to me I choose Youmu or Yumumu like I call her. I don't know but her loyalty, her dutys and love for the work is adorable.
>> No. 2127 [Edit]
File 149134865376.jpg - (505.27KB , 886x1142 , __sekibanki_touhou_drawn_by_hazuki_shino__6852f956.jpg )
Sekibanki is truly best 2hu
>> No. 2128 [Edit]
File 149318044514.png - (39.33KB , 350x467 , Yuyuko (1300).png )
>> No. 2129 [Edit]
A literal 5 year old trapped in the body of a grown adult ghost lady
>> No. 2132 [Edit]
File 149396584350.jpg - (599.60KB , 1920x1200 , Dead-Princess.jpg )
Remi is best girl for me.
>> No. 2144 [Edit]
File 150140971835.jpg - (125.44KB , 850x1003 , __shiki_eiki_touhou_drawn_by_risui_suzu_rks__sampl.jpg )
>> No. 2163 [Edit]
File 150459274357.png - (321.95KB , 550x550 , 3fd7d2b45827ce33abf129604c14fb27.png )
I love almost all touhous.
But, I think the one that stands out most for me is Marisa.
>> No. 2246 [Edit]
File 155066133583.jpg - (114.65KB , 850x1199 , 172395731cd98e2eb844d60195f023154b118ef8.jpg )
Tenshi needs a lot more love.
>> No. 2259 [Edit]
File 156044765883.jpg - (143.01KB , 848x1199 , Birb10.jpg )
>> No. 2261 [Edit]
File 156064390151.jpg - (198.12KB , 850x1293 , 5EF7F720-927F-49C7-BA99-9078006556F2-15866-00000FA.jpg )
>> No. 2262 [Edit]
>> No. 2263 [Edit]
That's what makes her great. She's not pure and clean, or above human in any way but her body.
>> No. 2270 [Edit]
File 156640604097.jpg - (125.31KB , 1000x750 , 1561688053651.jpg )
If I had to pick one, it would probably be Koishi. From her lore to her to actual gameplay, I just really enjoy her character.

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