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File 130553045564.jpg - (421.06KB , 708x1000 , c046bc6d2c0926a626c98436061bb06b.jpg )
1479 No. 1479 [Edit]
Do you think the touhou games were divinely inspired?
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>> No. 1480 [Edit]
If by "divinely" you mean "through alcohol," then yes.
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
One thing is for sure, they were not created by a mere mortal mind.
>> No. 1482 [Edit]
Close enough.
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
In the sense that ZUN did not come up with it all on his own and received help from another party, Yukari, then yes, I do think that.
>> No. 1485 [Edit]
This seems more like its own thread.
>> No. 1486 [Edit]
but then they become friends
>> No. 1488 [Edit]
File 131044838733.jpg - (76.43KB , 750x1058 , VinlandSaga_16.jpg )

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