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File 130570033743.jpg - (1.16MB , 1096x1500 , ca8d692e3976f3475fd177a297d771c0.jpg )
1400 No. 1400 [Edit]
Which Touhou(s) would you have tea and crumpets with? Why?

Which one wouldn't you? Why?
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>> No. 1401 [Edit]
File 130570669486.png - (247.84KB , 600x600 , 1289333036885.png )
I'd have tea and crumpets with all of them. I think that it would be a very nice experience and it would also be a way to get to learn them personally. Hell yeah!
>> No. 1402 [Edit]
I'd rather have udon with Patchouli or a drink with Suika and Yuugi.
>> No. 1403 [Edit]
All the 15-17 year old human girls.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
Anyone who wouldn't kill me.
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
File 130732159616.jpg - (99.86KB , 612x520 , 1277910262167.jpg )
Fellow humans and gods are your friends.
>> No. 1406 [Edit]
File 131044726841.jpg - (648.70KB , 1600x1200 , touhouRem.jpg )
A lot of them, though Remilia takes priority.

I think I would level up 50 times just from spending my time in such a way.

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