Hit me with your best/favorite Tōhō art.
Favorite group shot under 4 MB
Favorite picture of mai waifu
Favorite Touhou picture in general
Favorite one that's not of just one or two characters.
Dangerously cute.
This guy draws a really nice Flandre.
>>234 dat prepubescent breasts
>>194 What a strong feel this picture has.
I seem to have edited out my entire post attempting to remove a typo. This is off topic, but would someone be kind enough to explain how to use the edit feature? If not, ignore this. As for the first post -> Something about military + touhou hits it off with me. Shame the artist didn't do anything else like this, and there really isn't a tag for it either. >>435 Thanks for helping. So...test?Post edited on 26th May 2011, 7:49pm
>>434 think of editing as making a whole new post with the same number. just copy/paste your post and make the changes
I'm not even particularly fond of GTA, but I like the urban aesthetic here.
Quite lovely.
Some hope.
holy moley
>>931Post edited on 1st Sep 2012, 9:18am
This makes me think of Halloween for some reason...
Who the fuck decided to give Yukari blue eyes??
This will always be my favorite pic of Toyosatomimi no Miko
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