I would like more pictures like this. I lost my folder so I only have four. I will dump what I have. This can be a reaction thread as well.
>>1052 A example of the thread mentioned.
I shall post the ones I found this morning.
I have a folder full of these, with characters from all the games plus some extras, I could try uploading it if you want
Well here it it is anyway http://www.mediafire.com/?u7vr0za79u7rj I wasn't the one who made this compilation just so you know
>>1065 Oh wow, that's great! Thanks!
Ohio gozaimasu.
>>1071 That's not where Wisconsin is!
>>1065 Could someone give the direct mediafire link? This always happens to me and I've no clue how to fix it.
>>1128 Hark! I have managed to best the beast known as MediaFire and have obtained the link! http://www.mediafire.com/?cjpbptc2t4p9t2a
Have this.
Comfy day, so have a comfy Yuuka.
Here are some folders I found, none being mine. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bKQUOf4VG44AUoCWPlkM_AnsrpHa9xrf https://mega.nz/file/W3YSlC6R#MUP8uZlVbH2KH__9HWPhjOUnhp9I7QGVS_XLuDLiecY https://www.mediafire.com/file/vx9zl7x77gni14i/ohayouv11.9.6.rar/file
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