No. 11
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This board makes me happy, keep that dream alive Tohno.
I'll share of my experiences about online income. In fact, the only income I've ever gotten. I didn't go specifically after it; it was just a matter of realizing what I had all along when I was first trying to get a job. Also, a massive stroke of luck.
When I was younger, like mid teens, I made a couple of websites. I took it up as a hobby when I played Neopets from ages 12-13 and wanted to design my guild; that's how clueless I was about it. Unfortunately, I never made anything from adsense or ad sites, it just seems like a dead method anyways. I didn't know about Paypal back then anyways, and not having any bank account, it didn't matter.
Some of the sites I made grew up, now have millions of visits per month. I was in a pinch two years ago, so I searched up how to sell them; I found Flippa.
Not having any expectations, since it's an auction house loaded with successful sites and scams, I tried to pitch mine the best way I could. I dunno what was it about it, but some man offered me more money at once then I ever thought I'd see in a lifetime. He just wanted to confirm the analytics I was stating, and he did. Three weeks later I got a deposit worth of 31k.
Man did I NEET it up hard during the following year. Still, I kept enough money to kick off a new site. This time hoping I can turn a profit in the long run. Making sites and hoping they sell is like hoping lightning to strike twice at the same spot, I realize now. My current thing is a Vocaloid record label, and while earnings are not that great, it's already better than I expected since I started. Right now I'm just making a fifth of minimum wage per month, but hey. I hope I can continue scouting more artists and using all channels available to me to spread the word around and turn it into something viable, not only for me, but every artist in there. Skeptical as I am, I doubt we'll get there, but there's something about my situation right now that I should believe on.
Apart from that, I got into Bitcoins just after the spike to $1k and made a couple hundred that way; again, a massive stroke of luck since nobody was expecting it to go that high (I bought in late compared to other people anyways).
Wish me luck, brohnos. Seems like you need some of that to make the online thing work.