No. 10630
I was asleep until ubisoft's presentation and i really don't care enough to go back and watch microsoft's one
No Man’s Sky Looks like it could be pretty cool, especially depending on what you can actually do on the planets and if there's any ship customization or not. I'm really hoping it's the in depth space game that I've been waiting for my whole life, but it's E3 and most of the trailer looked pre-rendered so it could very easily turn out to be shit.
The Crew looks like it could be interesting, I like the idea of being able to do a cross country road trip with my internet friends. I read that it only takes 2 hours to go from coast to coast though, I wasn't expecting the map to be a 1:1 scale but that's a little disappointing. I also try and make a habit of not trusting anything ubisoft says especially at E3 but i'll keep my hopes up for that and rainbow 6
I'm still disappointed Destiny Isn't coming to the PC, borderlands mixed with halo sounds fun but i really don't want to pay for online which is the big thing keeping me from a PS4.
And to finish it off i think it's ridicules that naughty dog is already releasing an improved version of last of, it just feels cheap to do it this soon after it's release