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6 No. 6 [Edit]
What location do you think would be ideal for Tohno-house?
>> No. 10 [Edit]
Australia. Preferably close to my university. Within walking distance at least...
>> No. 12 [Edit]
Some place where the weather isn't so fucking hot. I don't have anything specific in mind though.
>> No. 14 [Edit]
Good weather all year around. Not too hot, not too cold. Just right.

At no risk of being submerged or prone to natural disasters (volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes etc). No risk of human conflicts.

Good resources, possibility of solar panels or geothermal energy.

Needs to have internet, postal service, basic necessities (hospital etc).
>> No. 15 [Edit]
So that's, what, the northeast US, most of the UK and Ireland, maybe some other parts of northern Europe?
>> No. 16 [Edit]

I sincerely don't want to ever leave my own room (even if at this shitty country); but, if having/willing to move, and do it wherever, I'd sugest some little town in Iceland.

Apparently, it's a very wealthy nation in the fucking end of the world. Looks like a very beautiful (think The lord of the Rings) and quite civic place, welcoming of micro-economies and alternative energy sources; full of space and isolation: the only people you may ever get to see could be the local farmers and, maybe, for a while, their cute little daughters (with silky hair and rosy cheeks)...

The only dangers are, indeed, provided by its extreme nature: the glaciers keeps melting and it's volcano (Eyjafjallajökull... yeah) it's pretty active.
>> No. 22 [Edit]
I still think somewhere in the open Country with few people around, in a colder area, would be best.
darn rooms heat up quick with computers running nonstop.
>> No. 25 [Edit]
I'd suggest the prairies of Canada, no body anywhere, inexpensive, could garden!? Downside is that internet would be less then desirable, probably no online gaming, or 1 of us at a time, though is online gaming important? do people still do that? On the other hand we could set up a central server to share our downloads, so it's not internet for filesharing will be ruined.
>> No. 36 [Edit]

I LOVE Canada. Yet the proposed lack of online gaming would disturb me greatly. Of course people still do it...
>> No. 52 [Edit]
Somewhere with a moderate temperature, in a first world country, that has a lot of wide open spaces, so we can live without being bothered.
>> No. 53 [Edit]
Why don't we just travel in a herd of winnabego's and go where the wind takes us?
Seeing as how we really don't belong anywhere.
>> No. 77 [Edit]
US would be highly disappointing. Even with about 50% of the site userbase(i.e. possible TH residents) being there, it would be hell for anybody else to get in it.

Canada is still pretty receptive, I guess? Not sure about Europe.
Still, anything beyond the english speaking world would require at least one brave "communications officer", as living in complete and absolute isolation seems highly unfeasible. Do we even have an icelandish brohno?

We can always do week-long lan parties. Only MMO players would lose something.

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