No. 18297
Wow you got schizoid because of a multiple choice test? That therapist is shit, diagnosing someone with a personality disorder by making them take a survey is pretty ineffective, your disorders will probably often change based on how you see subjectively see yourself, how you interpret the questions, and the mood you happen to be in. Being rude? yeah fuck therapists, I think any normal person would be rude at some prestigous twat trying to analyze your personal life and mental state. A lot of people going for psychology degrees like to think they know everyone better than other people and know what's best, these people are douches, probably because they we're raised by similar people. I remember this popular psychological test online everyone got ranks in almost everything cuz everyone well is crazy in their own way (normality determined by freaking ford drivers), but almost everyone I sent it to got schizoid cuz it's one of the more bullshit explanations for a disorder that's assume to exist, it actually a pretty mild disorder compared to most others, but the name's got a nice misleading ring to it. Doesn't seem as bad as paranoid and anti-social disorders. 90% of this kind of psychology is complete assumption though, it is far far far from science, I think the half life for psychological theories averages like 10 years, we don't know shit about our brain. Don't take the drugs unless you agree with the therapist completely, pretend you take them so no one makes you and say they aren't working and give you the side-effects of w/e it is.
sorry obligatory, cuz awesome song