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File 132063164923.jpg - (15.54KB , 329x343 , 1101758705_cturesjuly.jpg )
7874 No. 7874 [Edit]
I figured this will be ok to post.
I found this disorder test site and took it, you guys go to this link and post what your disorders are.
Expand all images
>> No. 7875 [Edit]
File 132063442974.png - (10.75KB , 364x278 , Untitled-1.png )
>I am likely to insult people who try to get close to me.

Not too bad. I'm pretty sure I had a few more 90's in there the last time we did this.
>> No. 7876 [Edit]
File 13206369941.png - (7.05KB , 272x206 , personality.png )
>> No. 7877 [Edit]
File 13206382988.png - (7.12KB , 280x215 , 111.png )
I'm a 21st century schizoid man
>> No. 7879 [Edit]
File 132064336119.png - (9.36KB , 319x267 , untitled.png )
I think I actually did good this time, huh.

I save results from these tests somewhere on my hdd, the following is from some time ago:
Paranoid: High
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: High
Borderline: Moderate
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: High
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

>> No. 7880 [Edit]
File 132064649820.png - (7.04KB , 270x212 , ezasdtfhnswrfg.png )
I prefer to take the longer version, but I just did the one you gave.
>> No. 7881 [Edit]
File 13206560416.jpg - (87.06KB , 263x206 , Untitled-2.jpg )
I expected to end on the drama queen side of the spectrum, what a surprise.
>> No. 7882 [Edit]
File 13206644044.png - (12.08KB , 300x217 , delete-me345.png )
My avoidence level is off, but maybe it is because most of my avoidence is rational(imo), and this just looks for irrational avoidence reasons.
>> No. 7883 [Edit]
File 132066985727.png - (9.49KB , 309x294 , p_ disorder.png )
about what I expected, only thing that tend to shift around is OCD and Avoidant PD (a bit lower than expected this time)
>> No. 7884 [Edit]
File 132067142620.png - (10.54KB , 332x259 , score.png )
>> No. 7885 [Edit]

I mean come on, it's okay not to look through the archive but at least look through threads that are still alive.
>> No. 7886 [Edit]
File 132067845272.jpg - (14.06KB , 263x204 , untitled.jpg )
So many paranoid schizos in here.
>> No. 7887 [Edit]
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>> No. 7888 [Edit]
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>> No. 7889 [Edit]
File 132068222692.jpg - (27.69KB , 271x203 , shizoid like the rest.jpg )
I'm not really surprised that all of us have similar personalities, if we didn't we wouldn't be here.
>> No. 7892 [Edit]
File 132068890946.png - (34.94KB , 579x413 , pdtr.png )
How does that make me look compared to Tohno?
>> No. 7893 [Edit]
File 132069104773.jpg - (46.08KB , 270x204 , どうでもいい.jpg )
>> No. 7894 [Edit]
File 13206936586.jpg - (93.86KB , 546x456 , confusion___.jpg )
Apparently, I'm a fucking hysterical attention whore...

Yeah, that far it's unanimous: we're a fucking bunch of schyzoids.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2011, 1:38pm
>> No. 7895 [Edit]
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>> No. 7897 [Edit]
File 132069981941.png - (7.13KB , 272x204 , stompeminthenuts.png )
Histrionic seems higher than it should be, but everything else is about right.

Schizoids everywhere.
>> No. 7898 [Edit]
File 132070337841.png - (198.28KB , 920x1020 , rtygdsjxt.png )
I decided to take another test on that site.

I have nothing better to do.
>> No. 7899 [Edit]
File 132070678436.jpg - (21.58KB , 271x216 , results.jpg )
Nothing I didn't already know. I thought obsessive-compulsive would be higher though.
>> No. 7900 [Edit]
The last post in that thread was like four months ago. Who cares?
>> No. 7901 [Edit]
File 132071030685.png - (7.08KB , 276x218 , personality_disorder.png )
Less avoidant than I used to get...
>> No. 7903 [Edit]
File 132071093650.png - (14.55KB , 158x520 , deksfsfs.png )
>> No. 7905 [Edit]


Seriously though, after all that drama a new point was added to the rules:

>Creating multiple threads about the same topic. Don't be afraid to bump an old thread.

And I agree with it, ir keeps the place clean. Not much can be done now that this thread already got more responses than the other one but it's something to keep in mind for future reference.
>> No. 7906 [Edit]
I don't think this thread and the other one are similar enough to be considered "the same topic". One is about taking a test for mental disorders, and the other is for self-diagnosing mental disorders through Wikipedia. Look at all of the poor-life-quality variants around here; they're all similar but still different in some ways.
>> No. 7907 [Edit]

People took the exact same test in that thread so again, I'd argue it's pretty similar.
>> No. 7909 [Edit]
File 13208013643.jpg - (15.50KB , 293x218 , Clipboard02.jpg )
Guess I'm the most Narcissistic guy here, go me?
>> No. 7910 [Edit]
File 132080240768.png - (32.53KB , 291x214 , Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 8_30_10 PM.png )
I don't think there's much validity to this test at all.
>> No. 7911 [Edit]
I don't think there's much validity to psychology at all, but what the hell.
>> No. 7912 [Edit]
File 132080277451.jpg - (37.23KB , 428x261 , how crazy am i.jpg )
It's not that I don't like people. I just can't stand being around those who don't share my own interests...
>> No. 7913 [Edit]
I don't know, it looks like you're definitely one of the most histrionic and narcissistic people around. Sounds accurate to me.

It begins.
>> No. 7914 [Edit]
I'm not narcissistic, I'm just happy with who I am. One of the questions was something like, "You think others are envious of you." Well obviously that's going to count for narcissism, but I answered yes because people have directly stated they're envious of me; black-and-white tests like these ignore the infinite factors that could determine someone's results.

Histrionic I still don't understand. A lot of the definitions seem contradictory.
>> No. 7915 [Edit]
Merely being happy with yourself shouldn't cause so much unwarranted self-importance. And I've always considered histrionic to be like attention whoring mixed in with arrogance and overreaction to criticism.

In all honesty, though, you are right about the test. It's damn near impossible to create a test that accounts for all factors and works for everybody, and I think this is more of a "for fun" thread than anything else.
>> No. 7916 [Edit]
File 132081193131.jpg - (37.13KB , 600x453 , omedetou khtxbye.jpg )
>black-and-white tests like these

But it did had a 5-level gradation for all answers... And I think it was important because, precisely, people who answer with a tendency for going to the extremes on questions about emotional reactions, seem likely to be considered bipolar.

I scored really high on that one and I had no idea about it, so I wiki'd the dissorder to know a bit more. The description was ASTONISHINGLY accurate: they basically described, feature by feature, my entire adult life behaviour as derived from a simple initial mechanism wich I hadn't been able to "grasp" or re-formulate explicitely, myself; and it was really shocking, because all those things they considered sympthoms of an incomplete development (that turns into this sort of "childsh" general attitude, to see everythin in B&W), were exactly what I considererd the very best (or less terrible) points whithin my own viewing on life and the human condition. Also, it was pretty uncomfortable (read: revolting) to know that it's a disorder much more common among women (i.e. that I am myself like an insufferable bitch as well)...

Anyway: psychology stuff (like this, at least) is really fun to read, indeed. It's like desperately trying to find, to attach, a narrative sense where there can't possibly be a real one, and wich lots of people do get easily identified with; something that, however I see it, seems like a quite impressive (and inspiring) artistic achievement.

TL;DR Psychology is really quite a Literature Nobel Prize deserving invention. No doubt women respect it, follow it and worship it almost as much as astrology: it's damn sweet stuff; if you let yourself go and be enchanted with its stories, you just end up loving it.
>> No. 7917 [Edit]
>> No. 7918 [Edit]
Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 74% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||| 38% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 70% 47%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 62% 43%
Narcissistic |||||| 30% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62% 39%
Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 74% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 40%
>> No. 7919 [Edit]
I'm not sure what you mean by the questions being "black and white", because they're worded very generally. This is just conjecture, but I think it's how people interpret these general questions that is telling of their personalities. For example, for the question "I think other people are envious of me", you took a (relatively speaking) few people expressing envy of you and extrapolated it to other people in general being envious of you. As another example, for "I have self destructive tendencies", I answered in the positive. I'm probably no more self-destructive than the average adult who drinks a bit too much sometimes, but the fact that I acknowledge it as self-destructive implies that it isn't simply hedonistic behavior. But whatever, even if this has merit it isn't scientific.
>> No. 7920 [Edit]
It's not literally black-and-white, but giving 5 possible answers when there are infinite possible answers isn't a good ratio.

>you took a (relatively speaking) few people expressing envy of you and extrapolated it to other people in general being envious of you.
No I didn't. It said I think people are jealous of me, and there are people who are. It didn't say I think EVERYONE is jealous.

Post edited on 8th Nov 2011, 8:58pm
>> No. 7921 [Edit]
>No doubt women respect it, follow it and worship it almost as much as astrology

Where are you from? Women (and men, although to a lesser extent) around here generally hate actual psychology. For the record, I don't classify internet personality quizzes as psychology.

Don't throw a fit giascle, I'm not insulting 3DPDs- merely stating an observation.

On that note, the vast majority of people have SOMEONE that's jealous of them. I've had friends say they "envy" me before, but I wouldn't consider that grounds to say that people are jealous of me in general (which is what the question was asking).
>> No. 7923 [Edit]
Apparently you are unaware of the popularity of Dr.Phil.

+1 on psychology (particularly tests like these) being fictionally enchanting.
>> No. 7924 [Edit]
Your life is so good, that you must insist on the ronery board how jealous people are of you?
>> No. 7927 [Edit]
Dr. Phil is about as legitimate as the aforementioned internet personality quizzes. I don't think someone who watches those types of programs could be considered someone who actually enjoys psychology.
>> No. 7928 [Edit]
File 132086832152.png - (111.44KB , 508x282 , in treatment paul.png )
"No,/tc/, I'm not kicking you out of therapy, absolutely no...

I'm just suggesting that we start considering the possibility of this treatment not being the very best help you may need at this point, and so discuss about the terms by wich we could call a day on certain topics."

>> No. 7929 [Edit]
>Don't throw a fit giascle
Why would I?

Good reading comprehension bro
>> No. 7930 [Edit]
Why wouldn't you? You usually do when someone talks negatively about 3DPDs in any way.
>> No. 7932 [Edit]
That wasn't really negative, though. He (or you) also said he was generalizing, and he said that men hate psychology, too. I don't think that's true, but there was nothing wrong with the post itself.
>> No. 7933 [Edit]
Right. So it's only cool with you if it only favors women, or it favors nobody. Duly noted.
>> No. 8047 [Edit]
Have you guys tried the myerrs briggs personality test yet?
It's pretty neat.
>> No. 8048 [Edit]
Ack, sorry.
>> No. 8049 [Edit]

I'm an INTP.
>> No. 8050 [Edit]
I've taken it a couple times, and the majority of the times were ISTP (Crafter), including the take I just did. The description gets a lot of things about me I wouldn't expect.
>> No. 8062 [Edit]

We had a thread about that, too.
>> No. 8084 [Edit]
File 132212290759.png - (5.76KB , 286x249 , narapoid.png )
well isn't that nice
>> No. 8092 [Edit]

Well at least you're not narcissistic.
>> No. 8093 [Edit]
the hell
>> No. 8094 [Edit]
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>> No. 8095 [Edit]
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>> No. 8096 [Edit]
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>> No. 8098 [Edit]
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>> No. 8359 [Edit]
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 49%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 53%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 53%
Antisocial |||||||||||||| 58% 47%
Borderline |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 47%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 43%
Narcissistic |||||| 26% 41%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 39%
Dependent |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 37%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 40%
>> No. 8363 [Edit]
My grasp on reality is too firm for this. Or too loose.
>> No. 8438 [Edit]
Shocking how dumb the way they measure this is.;v=70xKFih59EI#t=344s
>> No. 8477 [Edit]


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