No. 28788
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i think we can all agree that some anime has better art than others and the logical extension of that is that some anime is good and some is bad. blind obedience to the japanese will allow bad anime to flourish along with the good, while being vocal about their failing will allow them to eliminate the bad and eliminating the less desirable elements of anime will lead to an overall improvement that general acceptance will not. the massive cow-cunts the faggots in japan are appending to cute little girls are hideous. does your waifu have an inflamed infection down there or is she wearing pads or maybe some kind of monster dildo or is just just swollen and bruised from all of the cock? it that what you want for cute japanese 2dgirls? i don't. cute little girls have nothing external in that area. boys do, so if you want something like that then you are gay.
in my life anime had only gotten better, its hasn't stagnated or gotten worse yet and i've been involved for a long time. sometime something horrible rears its ugly head, but good anime fans shout it down and in general anime improves over time because lame fads like scrotomes on girls are eliminated.
new anime fans like you should just shut the fuck up. if forced maymays are your number one worry in life you don't belong here anyway so maybe consider the fact you and your kym-obsessed ilk can do a lot to improve tc by lurking instead of posting. the board will improve noticeably if this advice is followed and everyone enjoyment of it, you own included, will increase.