No. 14966
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It stuck out to me that one of the questions asked what our mental state was before we fell in love, and all the choices were things like lonely, depressed, just rejected, etc.
Why not an option for just fine and happy with life? That's certainly how I was.
On another note, the "do you masturbate to her/pornography of her" questions were a bit of a pitfall for me. While y-yes, I do, that wording gave off the wrong connotation. All of such content of her is on the tasteful side as far as lewd content goes. There isn't anything of her that would be classified as porn in the same way doujins or hentai would. And if there were, I wouldn't look at those. It's also much more emotional when I look at those pictures of her. Just fapping to hentai is a totally different thing. With her, my heart races, I get flustered and nervous.