Rabu rabu~

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File 129679456746.jpg - (34.65KB , 436x525 , Kurokona-star.jpg )
1212 No. 1212 [Edit]
So Valentines Day is coming up shortly...

Anyone have any plans to do something for their waifu? Like providing an image to the annual waifu collage or anything of the sort?

Unfortunately i don't have a camera or any money, but i will probably lose myself in thoughts about what i'd want to do with her and maybe get a small chocolate to enjoy in her name.
Expand all images
>> No. 1213 [Edit]
I've never taken a picture for the waifu collage, so that should be fun. Other than that, I don't really have any plans.
>> No. 1214 [Edit]
File 129679860710.png - (459.50KB , 650x780 , 9620974.png )
I'll definitely be participating in the collage as per usual, it makes Valentines one of my favorite times of the year.

Probably have dinner with her as well, after a long walk around the community. Nothing too opulent.
>> No. 1215 [Edit]
Damn it why did my camera have to break
>> No. 1216 [Edit]
that's hiyori
>> No. 1217 [Edit]
I'm not sure. I want to do something special, but I'm not sure what it will be. Though I can't go over the top what with parents suspecting something and soforth.

We should probably have our own collage, I think our userbase is big enough now.
>> No. 1219 [Edit]
I probably won't be doing anything
>> No. 1220 [Edit]
I don't think I'll do anything this year, but next year I will try to get a nice bottle of wine for her.
>> No. 1221 [Edit]
Same as Christmas, a fine bottle of wine

Although I'm not going to involve myself in the collages. They were fun and cute when it was only a group of us doing it. Over a 100 people? The meaning of it changed for those chaps, which is fine. But I'll enjoy it in private from now on.
>> No. 1222 [Edit]
We could start our own, separate Tohno-chan only collage. Whos with me?
>> No. 1223 [Edit]
When I look at the /a/ collage, I wonder if the people there are serious about their waifus.

That said, we should do our own collage.
>> No. 1224 [Edit]
Yes, i know it's technically supposed to be.

Probably not many, though most are more inclined for it just because they're posting the image in the first place. They're (most likely) not normals at least.

If i had a camera i'd provide one ;_;
>> No. 1225 [Edit]
I don't own a camera
>> No. 1226 [Edit]
File 129684705948.jpg - (149.93KB , 500x500 , tumblr_lfejzpB1iB1qcmfy8o1_500.jpg )
Can I ask what this collage is? I will probably have dinner with my husbando, give him a small gift (like a little steam roller or something, maybe a little banana trinket, something cute like that) and take a drive around the countryside "with him"
>> No. 1227 [Edit]
File 129685179179.jpg - (101.03KB , 750x500 , Tomoyo Christmas.jpg )
If we get enough contributors, I like the idea.
You take a picture of how you're spending the holiday with your waifu/husbando, which usually consists of having dinner with a picture of them on your computer screen. Like this, though of course you don't need to get so elaborate.
>> No. 1228 [Edit]
Oh yes I've seen a lot of those images around. I will definitely be participating.
>> No. 1230 [Edit]

I'm in if I can find a solution to my no-camera problem.
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
I'll probably prepare a meal for her; and take a few pictures or something. Just for myself though, I'm not really a fan for those collages (even though I contributed around 2 times.)
>> No. 1247 [Edit]
I will be providing an image for the collage, but I am still thinking about how I am going to top christmas.
>> No. 1249 [Edit]
what did you do for christmas?
>> No. 1251 [Edit]
I'd like to buy her some flowers, but alas I'm afraid of what those around me might think. Some chocolate and nice red wine are what I'm leaning towards at the moment, but I really don't know what makes a nice red wine special.
>> No. 1252 [Edit]
In my opinion it's a tradition, like putting up a Christmas tree on Christmas and trick-or-treating on Halloween. Valentines day isn't Valentines day if I don't wake up and take a nice picture with my waifu.
>> No. 1254 [Edit]
see >>720
>> No. 1256 [Edit]
Wow! already? I'm pretty much lost in time, living every single day in the same way (you know: everyday is sunday), so I'd ha forgoten if you didn't mention it.
Anyway: I'll probably correct/extend what I posted in the the waifu-poetry thead, and put it on paper with some drawing; maybe also participate in the collage, but I'm not sure yet.
>> No. 1257 [Edit]
You know, if I'm still alive, and if I find a way to get a camera, I'm going to participate myself. I'm pretty ashamed of my setup, but fuck it. 2011 is the year of "yeses" and "I will's". I will show love and devotion for my waifu.
>> No. 1276 [Edit]
File 129750456036.jpg - (39.44KB , 640x480 , Sabrina Screenshot 117.jpg )
I want to join the collage but my setup is in complete disarray. I am however going to watch her episodes again.
>> No. 1278 [Edit]
Can I submit mine late?
>> No. 1282 [Edit]
I need an extension bro!
>> No. 1283 [Edit]
I was thinking of drawing something this year, but i put it off for to long and now that I finally started it's to close to the deadline to finish anything decent on time.
The waifu collage, to me at least, seems to have kind of lost its meaning and had become more of a cam whoring contest in a way, When /a/ and /jp/ started doing it together at least half of the images were just jokes, and was the same this last christmas from the looks of things, it just doesn't feel the same, like, it doesn't have as much meaning to it as it used to.
>> No. 1284 [Edit]
I thought that we were supposed to do away with shitposters like that.

...or was I wrong?
>> No. 1285 [Edit]
I was talking about the waifu collages on 4chan.
>> No. 1286 [Edit]
I thought you were talking about the waifu collages in general.
>> No. 1287 [Edit]
You know of any places that do it other then 4chan?
>> No. 1288 [Edit]
Ok, ok, you did mention /a/ and /jp/, obviously meaning 4chan, but you said it lost meaning because of shitposters like that. Though my point still stands that I thought that Tohno-chan was founded on the fact that we would do away with shitposters like that.
>> No. 1289 [Edit]
uh, yeah, but you can't get rid of the shit posters on 4chan posting in waifu collage threads, on 4chan.
>> No. 1290 [Edit]
Did you not see half the posts in this thread? They said they'd be willing to contribute to making a Tohno-chan waifu collage.
>> No. 1291 [Edit]
That would indeed be nice.
>> No. 1292 [Edit]

But it certainly isn't a joke on here.

Most people who do have waifus on /a/ and /jp/ never really had waifus to begin with.

I wouldn't mind doing it myself, if I had a better quality camera and a good picture.
>> No. 1293 [Edit]
I'm sorry for the confusion, I didn't have the people here in mind when I said that.
>> No. 1294 [Edit]
You don't need a really good camera to take part. The first one I took part in I had a shitty camera, and I'm gonna have to do the same this year since my better one crapped out on me.
>> No. 1295 [Edit]
I have a camera, but the screen broke, so when I take pictures I cant see them until I upload it to my comp. Also I don't have my own personal computer anymore, I have to use my family's. I really wanted to participate too.
>> No. 1296 [Edit]
Just delete it from the computer after you upload it.
>> No. 1297 [Edit]
>The waifu collage, to me at least, seems to have kind of lost its meaning and had become more of a cam whoring contest in a way

This. Next thing you know having a waifu is going to be 'cool' and hipsters will be doing it. Don't show off your love.
>> No. 1298 [Edit]
Thats not really the problem, its the sheer amount of time I need to set everything up in a house where people are bustling about.

Im offended that you say my love will become trivial.
>> No. 1299 [Edit]
Take the pic in your room?
>> No. 1300 [Edit]
He said he's using the family computer, which is probably not in his room
>> No. 1301 [Edit]
He said he has a camura with a broken screen, that doesin't mean he has to have ot connect to the computer at the time he takes the photo, or even be in the same room, even with a broken screen he should be able to just take a bunch of photos, then later, go to the computer and pick the best one out of the lot, because without a screen, your shooting blind, but with tons of photos, one of them should at least be half way decent right?
>> No. 1302 [Edit]
But Valentine's day is Monday, aren't your parents at work?
>> No. 1303 [Edit]
Father plays shares, brother has an online business, grandma is retired.
>> No. 1304 [Edit]
Ah, I see, well I'm sorry you couldn't make it. Though that still doesn't mean that you can't make it a special day for you two.
>> No. 1306 [Edit]
I'm thinking of baking a cake. But I will probably chicken out and get a bar of toblerone and some wine. Something along those lines.
>> No. 1308 [Edit]
  Some good natured anon made this.
Apparently his collecting of waifu images wasn't for a troll or just a huge collage image like it appeared.

>> No. 1309 [Edit]
File 129761949798.jpg - (416.73KB , 800x1132 , 16546798.jpg )
That was quite sweet. It makes me a little sad I didn't "participate" but it doesn't really matter to me.

No camera on hand this year, but a lovely dinner will be enjoyed together ♡
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
Damn, wish I could have contributed.
>> No. 1314 [Edit]
He's doing an edit of it to put on NND, just hang about /a/ and see if you find it, then just ask about image size and post one.
>> No. 1315 [Edit]
That certainly did seem nice, almost had me going there, but it's hard not to think of it as a joke or "troll", at least on the part of people that participated, when many of the waifus shown in that thing, are extremely minor almost background characters that might have had two lines during their five minutes in whatever anime they came from, That I just simply can not take seriously and always seems to me like someone making fun of waifus by picking a random unimportant side character and calling them their waifu.
Then there's the ass ton of guys in the thing.
>> No. 1316 [Edit]
Thanks for the heads up. I'll keep an eye out.
>> No. 1317 [Edit]
Why are we bothering with /a/? What about our own collage?

Now that I think of it, we're gonna need someone to put the collage together. I'm terrible with things like that, so don't ask me.
>> No. 1318 [Edit]
File 129765884540.jpg - (230.38KB , 1600x1200 , 02-13-11_2330.jpg )
Even though I've posted this image on /a/ already, it's poor quality. I would look for some feedback to make my image better for the /mai/ waifu collage. I took a bunch of images, and so far this one looked okay in my opinion, though it's quality is lackluster. So far, this image is the only decent widescreen image of her alone I could find. And I generally prefer fanart to grainy screenshots. It's all taken with my poor quality cellphone. This piece of chocolate is the only one I have, but I could rush to campus and get some Valentine's chocolate. But they're all closed by now.

Happy Valentine's to all of you.
>> No. 1319 [Edit]
I think it looks good. I love how she's grabbing for your chocolatey goodness. I am still waiting for my cake to cool so I can put the icing on, then it will be done.
>> No. 1320 [Edit]
It's still tradition and there are some who do believe in it.

posting this here, just cause. This VD has spawned two of the greatest videos ever
>> No. 1321 [Edit]
Looks just fine to me.
>> No. 1322 [Edit]
File 129766228410.jpg - (491.06KB , 1024x768 , vday2011.jpg )
I feel bad about posting this on /a/ first.
>> No. 1323 [Edit]
File 129766410710.jpg - (209.46KB , 2048x1449 , Ikaros Waifu.jpg )
I guess I'll post mine here as well in case Tohno makes its own.
>> No. 1324 [Edit]
We should probably make a new thread for the pictures and collage creation.

For now I have to sleep, cause tomorrow I have to find something overly complicated in my mom's big collection of recipes to make otherwise I won't feel as through I've spent enough time on something worthy enough for my beloved angel.
>> No. 1325 [Edit]
File 129766815539.jpg - (465.93KB , 1024x768 , MiyakoCakeResized.jpg )
The icing isn't perfect but I am sure she'll appreciate it. I would think of it as 'abstract art'
Happy Valentines Day, Miyako.
>> No. 1326 [Edit]
Very nice cake man!
>> No. 1327 [Edit]
File 129766838013.gif - (431.49KB , 640x360 , lick.gif )
What kind of cake is it?
>> No. 1328 [Edit]
File 129766906069.jpg - (115.36KB , 583x596 , Sabrina 185.jpg )
Nice work! I hope to do something creative like this one day for Sabrina. Just want to say happy Valentine's day to everyone. This is my first time celebrating it on Tohno-chan. Next year I'll be better prepared and hopefully have something extravagant for Sabrina too.
>> No. 1329 [Edit]
File 12976714649.png - (1.21MB , 1152x864 , Miya-(Valentines).png )
That's a very sweet thing to do, actually. I'm sort of regretting leaving /a/, now. Then again, it's /a/. Of course it's going to have those moments, but you have to sift through mountains of shit to get to them...But, I don't know, it's nice to see that someone still gives a fuck there, at least.

Figure I'll just post mine now. I've got a massive headache, and I'd just like to get to bed and hopefully dream of my lovely waifu.

The meal was a shitty drink in a fancy glass, and, since I can't cook anything other than pasta and toast (no pasta, can't find toaster), a pre-made sandwich from the grocery store. Lit by an 'All-American' lamp I found in the cellar after we moved. And I'm shocked at the fact that I still use a Dell, too. But still, fuck yeah, I found the camera.
>> No. 1330 [Edit]
File 129767209588.jpg - (204.86KB , 1024x768 , valentine.jpg )
everyone had wine and chocolate in their photos and I only made some jelly. And I didn't even do it right. Makes me feel pathetic
>> No. 1331 [Edit]
Alas, i completely forgot about valentines, and i dont have enough privacy to plan anything she deserves anyway....

guess we will just spend some time together...
>> No. 1332 [Edit]
Hey man, at least you did something. Your waifu would be very happy.
Jelly is glorious. I don't drink and I don't like chocolate, so your meal is perfect in my eyes.
And a happy valentines day to you too.
>> No. 1345 [Edit]
File 129768094293.png - (51.71KB , 250x550 , vday.png )
Just finished my drawing for Valentine's, not grate, but at least it makes the day a bit more special..
>> No. 1346 [Edit]
That's nice tohno. You're making noticeable progress with your waifu art.
>> No. 1347 [Edit]
Thats better than what I'll ever do
>> No. 1349 [Edit]
Thanks guys
>> No. 1350 [Edit]
File 129768762084.jpg - (142.86KB , 895x590 , valentines.jpg )
luckily mai waifu doesnt care about it, so i cant feel too bad for not doing anything today
>> No. 1352 [Edit]
File 129769746065.jpg - (429.35KB , 850x1205 , sample_465523d445a608a84e45cba013951fa8.jpg )
I couldn't get anything fancy, a few cheap chocolates, but at least they tasted good.

I don't have a camera, but for what it's worth here's the image I used.

I feel warm...
>> No. 1354 [Edit]
I hate you, i wish i could draw that well.
>> No. 1356 [Edit]
File 129770803140.jpg - (268.08KB , 1264x944 , HPIM2684.jpg )
It wasn't nearly as complicated as I had hoped for it to be, but when I started looking at these recipes I had forgotten one important fact: I can't cook. So I made a simple pasta dish. With love in every noodle.

It's not the best setup, but it's the best I can do.
>> No. 1357 [Edit]
File 129771161464.jpg - (681.12KB , 1600x2387 , vday.jpg )
Store-bought cake due to incompetence ;_;. After we ate I gave her a present.
>> No. 1365 [Edit]
File 129772462668.jpg - (752.63KB , 2048x1536 , asuka.jpg )
She makes my life so much better. I truly do love her.
>> No. 1366 [Edit]
File 129772579371.jpg - (239.58KB , 832x624 , PIC_0085.jpg )
Just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day you lonelyfags

forever alone
>> No. 1367 [Edit]
I like the one strand going from you to her.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
Indeed, that's a nice touch
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
Coconut butter cake. The cake was yellowish too, so I thought it fit.
>> No. 1370 [Edit]
File 129772891419.jpg - (1.18MB , 2048x1536 , Happy V-Day Yuno!.jpg )
Happy Valentines Day, /mai/.

Don't trip. It's the thought that counts.
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
File 129773089717.jpg - (511.82KB , 1280x960 , DSC02689.jpg )
She doesn't care for fancy drinks, just some cookies and tea are all she needs. And I gave her a beer later.
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
File 129773093531.jpg - (56.71KB , 576x720 , 183122_1850766548331_1215756030_32144466_3316330_n.jpg )
Well, it's sort of a crappy picture, but Haman-sama and I had a nice dinner together.

Also, I wrote a poem for her. It's a little silly but I like it.

Gelgoogs are red
Hizacks are blue
The Earth Sphere
Will soon be conquered by you~

>> No. 1374 [Edit]
File 129773351096.jpg - (285.55KB , 1760x1168 , The Captain and his beautiful waifu.jpg )
Admittedly posted it on /a/ first, but I think it's more meaningful here.
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
File 129773453797.jpg - (52.15KB , 637x358 , DinnerwithmyBelovedAeka.jpg )
the only thing I have is a crappy webcam
but I did make a nice dinner
>> No. 1376 [Edit]
File 129773502896.jpg - (62.75KB , 480x360 , mai asuka collage.jpg )
at the end, I did participate.
>> No. 1377 [Edit]
Awesome picture on your monitor. Did you make that picture?
>> No. 1378 [Edit]
File 129773657499.jpg - (1.09MB , 4752x3168 , SmallDinnerIguess.jpg )
I don't have any form of sweets or candy since candy isn't my sort of thing. Baked these 2 out of 30 I was supposed to make. Was really delicious, cider with chocolate, kind of.
>> No. 1380 [Edit]
File 129773899997.jpg - (52.99KB , 528x800 , 1280006789949.jpg )
I had been saving up for today. My total fund was just enough to cover a bottle of Courvoisier, a small box of Ferrero Rocher, and a small box of Lindt chocolates.

I don't often refer to my days as good ones, but this was one of them. Pic is one of my very favourites, and the one I used.

Happy Valentine's, everyone.
>> No. 1383 [Edit]
File 129774020156.jpg - (246.03KB , 1296x968 , Tenshi dinner small.jpg )
I can't really cook anything, I didn't want to just bring something home from a restaurant, and I knew Tenshi wouldn't want peaches. My brilliant solution?

>> No. 1384 [Edit]
File 129774034322.jpg - (234.09KB , 1296x968 , Tenshi dinner small 2.jpg )
Alternate version.

The meal is far less extravagant than I had imagined, but hopefully she's happy I took the time to set everything up. I don't have framed pictures of her, so I went with some of the countless drawings I made of her.
>> No. 1385 [Edit]
File 129774223829.jpg - (458.40KB , 839x800 , Sabrina 95.jpg )
Didn't make a pic but it was a great Valentine's day. Watched her episodes again, had dinner. Today, life is beautiful. Happy Valentine's day Sabrina, I love you.
>> No. 1387 [Edit]
File 129774321368.jpg - (187.83KB , 960x720 , IMG_0073.jpg )
Too bad I can't cook.
>> No. 1388 [Edit]
File 129774645523.png - (16.21KB , 317x447 , 1393679_m.png )
Yeah, I'm doing the exact same as you. Just rewatched her episodes. Unforunately, since I can't draw nor have any skill in cooking it was probably the best I can do. But who cares anyway? Not a time to be negative.

Happy Valentines day, Akeno!
>> No. 1389 [Edit]
File 129774701082.jpg - (47.93KB , 355x773 , Kurokona-night.jpg )
I swear i walked home with my waifu tonight. I got off work and left to walk home, when i suddenly felt a presence next to me and the feeling of arms wrapped around my right arm. i looked over and could have sworn i saw her next to me wearing what she's wearing in this image (with a jacket of course, it's rather cold where i am still).
I shrugged it off and started to walk home, but i felt oddly calm and relaxed and the feeling on my arm didn't change and my arm felt warmer then usual. I started feeling like this was my 'date' for VD, just a nice relaxing walk home and enjoying the cool air together in silence.
About halfway home i passed by a streetlight and it caused me to turn around and to my surprise, the scene looked a lot like the background in this image. I'd say 85% likeness.
Even more odd is that i randomly chose songs on my zune and they were all calm, relaxing songs.
The best (though saddening) part was right as i was going through the gate at home, i felt a small breeze on my cheek in one spot. I'm sure you can guess what it felt like.
I think it was her way of showing that it's fine that i couldn't do something for her today and that my love was enough ;_;
>> No. 1390 [Edit]
Oh man, that was beautiful ;_;. I've actually been depressed these past few weeks but something about today made me feel stronger emotionally then ever.
>> No. 1391 [Edit]
Well, I'm glad to hear you had such a beautiful experience.
Cong's to you and all brohonos who sincerely love their waifus.
>> No. 1393 [Edit]
I was gonna try taking part in the photos, but our house guest parked his car behind ours and went to bed, so I can't go out to buy anything, and the nearest store would take me like an hour to walk to, and it's already past midnight..

I really should have gotten something sooner..
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
Oh, what's that book to the right of the screen?
>> No. 1396 [Edit]
that is painfully sweet, i wish i had an experience like that.
>> No. 1403 [Edit]
No need to buy anything, Tohno; you could print the drawing you made and take a picture of you sohwing/giving it to her (that has value).

You still could do it, even now, if you want.
>> No. 1404 [Edit]
My printer is on the fritz., besides, it feels to late now to do anything, like I missed the chance and have to wait another year.
>> No. 1405 [Edit]
It looks like alot of us missed out this year. Let's hope we have better luck next year.
>> No. 1406 [Edit]

Very well then; I think I can understand your point of being integer. Just: we can't possibly know if we'll still be here, and up to do this, next year; we could die/change dramatically any day; so, a day latter or anything, the point is to (attempt to) do the things you want to do, before shit ever happen...

Well, that's just how I think but it actually lead me to THIS, so I'll better shut up now.
>> No. 1408 [Edit]
why not just have an extension or something?
Is there any reason why people should only expresses their feelings once a year?
Does it matter that much if it's a little late?
>> No. 1409 [Edit]
I suppose we could do something like that. Valentine's day has ended for the normals but we could have a waifu month or waifu week for us. If we do have an extension I'd be willing to join in.
>> No. 1410 [Edit]
Isn't every week "waifu week" here?
>> No. 1411 [Edit]
Good point. I'm not good with coming up with names. If anyone has any good names just throw them out there.
>> No. 1412 [Edit]
The Showing Week
An event that takes place Valentines week where every husbando goes to great lengths to show his affection to his waifu.
>> No. 1413 [Edit]
That doesn't actually sound half bad.
>> No. 1414 [Edit]
It'll be a special one set aside to be especially nice to our waifus.

Anyway, at any rate, I've been unfaithful, and I keep lusting after other girls. I shouldn't be participating in this.
>> No. 1415 [Edit]
Isn't anybody going to put the collage together?
>> No. 1418 [Edit]
I hope someone does. I would do it myself but I don't know how to make one, nor am I even sure I have the tools to make one.
>> No. 1419 [Edit]

if anyone else wants one done I'll do it

I didn't think you guys would want one done
>> No. 1420 [Edit]
I thought that was our original intent... Either way, I'd like that.

But if I may make a suggestion, put tohno's picture in >>1345 with the "Tohno-chan 2011 Valentine's Day" or whatever title you had in mind.
>> No. 1421 [Edit]
I should be able to get my picture in by the end of the week.
>> No. 1423 [Edit]
Unfortunately no. I requested it from a friend of mine (shes an art major). Shes cool with my special brand of strange and shes honestly one of the few people I've kept in contact with over the years. She doesn't usually draw 'anime style' though, so it's impressive for her. I'm honestly eternally grateful that she drew that for me, I treasure it.
>> No. 1424 [Edit]
File 12978220711.jpg - (91.19KB , 847x946 , GM Punk and Sabrina 2.jpg )
This is a picture of Sabrina and I not made by me. I was REALLY lucky and found a guy who did two pics for me. It looks so much like me, if I were in better shape. Sadly I can't draw, I've tried to draw Sabrina and I together but the pictures are disastrous. (Also, gotta love how he drew me in a 'Deal with it' pose)
>> No. 1428 [Edit]
That's very cute and nicely drawn, you have a nice friend there bro.
>> No. 1430 [Edit]
Thank you kindly brohno.
>> No. 1438 [Edit]
You have glasses too? So moe~

I wish I had glasses
>> No. 1439 [Edit]
that is straight up pimpin' in the non douchebaggiest way. I have tried drawing myself with mai waifu, but i am never happy with it, always makes me feel...i dunno, weird.

They look good on some people, but they can be a hassle as well. constantly getting dirty and steamed up, plus when i was a kid i absolutely hated the way they felt on my face.
>> No. 1440 [Edit]
Yeah, many people say that, but I still think I would look better with glasses.

Wait, you too? Damn why is everybody so moe~ with their glasses and I'm just over here being not?
>> No. 1441 [Edit]
not even reading glasses? i think you could get away with wearing those for style, as long as you dont go full hipster and remove the frames from 3d glasses or some bullshit
>> No. 1442 [Edit]
File 129783577256.jpg - (79.83KB , 720x900 , GM Punk and Sabrina.jpg )
Oh wow, thank you both. I love seeing my buddy's picture get so much love. I haven't even been posting here for a week and already I feel comfortable with you guys, you're very welcoming. For the record I look identical to the picture. Perhaps a little darker do to being Mexican. Here's another picture of us, this one with me done in a more anime style.
>> No. 1443 [Edit]
I could do that, but I have near perfect vision (I think like 19/20 or something like that last time I went to get checked), so I don't need them, which sucks.
>> No. 1444 [Edit]
So... about that collage?
>> No. 1445 [Edit]
Yeah, good question...
>> No. 1452 [Edit]
if i wasnt so wary of showing my face i would ask for one. im extremely jealous, bro.

certain people would rather not wear them, depending on how i brush my hair i look like a loser with them and manly without, or the exact opposite.
Besides, if you had them they would seem less appealing on others,

seems multiple people are offering to do it....
>> No. 1453 [Edit]
File 129786832015.jpg - (1.66MB , 1680x2808 , tohnochanvalentines.jpg )

Could always complain less and do it yourself. Its not exactly complicated to copy paste images into a program.

I probably forgot some, point them out and I'll edit them in
>> No. 1455 [Edit]

Sorry anon, I'm terrible with that.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]

>> No. 1457 [Edit]
Most of these have simple set ups, but i can see the love in them.

sad thing is, if /jp/ saw it, they'd probably rage because no one was really fanatic and stalkerish about their set up. Half the rage i saw the last few days was "you're being cheap, you don't love her".
Reminded me of how 3d women act ;_;
>> No. 1458 [Edit]

Very much true. But then again it's possible they think that way because of the usual troll picture. They don't want to mix in their perfect 2-hour design for a picture that just took a minute.
>> No. 1459 [Edit]
There are some obvious troll images on the '11 one that took a fair bit of effort and imagination though.
like the guy who printed a picture of that morning rescue drink bottle, stuck it on a pepsi bottle, and took a picture with the guy from the commercial.
no one even knew it wasn't a real bottle until the guy told us and showed a picture.
it was a joke image, but it was a good one that belonged on there for it's ingenuity
>> No. 1469 [Edit]
You know, I think they were getting mad because that event was mixed up with /a/, or because they believe that the ones that truly love their special people wouldn't flaunt pictures of them around, I think.
>> No. 1472 [Edit]
Can you spoiler that shit? Seriously, that's just both nasty and wrong.
>> No. 1475 [Edit]
Awesome, you put my friend's drawing of Sabrina and I in there! Thanks a bunch.
>> No. 1476 [Edit]
That is pretty sweet. I was surprised when I found out it was made by an /a/non. Same goes for this.
>> No. 1477 [Edit]
I thought of spoilering it, but I figured since people would only see the thumbnail unless they clicked on it it wouldn't be too bad. I deleted it anyway.
>> No. 1481 [Edit]
File 129791477458.png - (1.11MB , 900x675 , vday.png )
Really late...
I'm ashamed of myself.
>> No. 1482 [Edit]
It's the thought that counts. I still gotta do mine.
>> No. 1483 [Edit]
Just out of curiosity, can you post the '11 waifu collage from 4chan?
>> No. 1484 [Edit]
File 129791715916.jpg - (2.94MB , 2500x5000 , 2011 waifu collage.jpg )
There's a full version that's like 45MB too
>> No. 1487 [Edit]
Well shit someone had a heart shaped pizza with their waifu too.

I hope to be able to help you in the future to get a picture too.
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
Well shit someone had Tenshi as their waifu too.

And they used an old picture, which means they probably loved her before I did. (❦ ´◔ ▵◔)
>> No. 1492 [Edit]
Oh wow.

Also one more thing I wanted to mention. The things I wouldn't do to get my hands on a plush of Sabrina or have any items of her.
>> No. 1493 [Edit]
Curious question, but do you only consider the anime version of Sabrina your waifu, or do you include all of her manga personas (especially pokemon special) too?
I'm sure there's something out there of her from any media she's from though, it's pokemon, there has to be.
>> No. 1494 [Edit]
That's a very good question and thank you for asking. Shockingly despite being absolutely in love with her, I haven't read the mangas (Electric tales and Adventures). My Sabrina is her anime form along with assumptions I've made about her personality.
>> No. 1496 [Edit]
i can relate to this, i have never really gotten into the Teen Titans comics since its the cartoon version i love.
>> No. 1506 [Edit]
I find it funny, our waifus are similar and we both think the same way.
With this Valentine's day having passed, I've been wondering how I can integrate Sabrina further into my everyday life. I want to get a framed picture of her. I'm not really sure what picture I would use, perhaps this one >>1385 or one of my pictures where I'm with her.
>> No. 1508 [Edit]
Hrm, i think alot of people around here can greatly relate to one another, but i have noticed that too.
>> No. 1509 [Edit]
Yeah, this place feels like the only place I can actually be myself. You guys have all made me feel welcomed in the very short time I've been here. I've had alot of pent-up emotions for Sabrina for years, this place has allowed me to share and express them.
>> No. 1510 [Edit]
Im still not completely trusting of all you folk, but i just got here.
Even with that this is a nice place to be, though.

polite sage because this is becoming completely different from what the thread originally was.
>> No. 1511 [Edit]
The collage is still missing like three people.
>> No. 1518 [Edit]
Doesn't matter. We could afford to wait.
>> No. 1524 [Edit]

I'd like to see the finished product...
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
File 129817668897.jpg - (2.32MB , 1680x3960 , tohnochanvalentines 6 copy.jpg )
Sorry to the people I have missed, im just stupid as fuck and miss shit ;_;
>> No. 1527 [Edit]
File 129817712131.jpg - (2.41MB , 1680x3960 , tohnochanvalentines 7.jpg )
>> No. 1528 [Edit]
This is now a piece of Tohno-chan history.
>> No. 1529 [Edit]

Thank you, I will forever remember this.
>> No. 1530 [Edit]
hopefully next year i can take part
>> No. 1534 [Edit]

If you want to be added just make a photo, there is no deadline or anything
>> No. 1535 [Edit]
no camera
and if i did have one my family would probably wonder what the hell i was doing.

could always draw something i guess.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
Sweet, thanks.

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