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File 132773094928.jpg - (63.70KB , 552x310 , 1327726029341.jpg )
919 No. 919 [Edit]
Fuck this.

I hope he becomes a boxer soon.
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>> No. 1148 [Edit]
I've only just started the boxing part (it's about a third of the way through the series). Given the general trajectory I can't imagine it being much like that. Maybe someone who's read the entire thing in the original can confirm/deny.

The author's other works are pretty similar right? 30ish living trainwreck protagonists in incredibly cringe-inducing situations?
>> No. 1149 [Edit]
File 134253315795.jpg - (287.40KB , 728x1041 , fbotr_005_106.jpg )
Words fail me
>> No. 1167 [Edit]
I'm still trying to work out who I hate most between Aoyama, Tanishi, the author, and myself. Jesus.
>> No. 1169 [Edit]
File 134405819549.png - (29.60KB , 360x297 , 1343723118995.png )
You forgot to add Chiharu
>> No. 1195 [Edit]
File 13466911725.jpg - (45.27KB , 549x336 , hamunida.jpg )
Can't say I was expecting that.
>> No. 1785 [Edit]
File 136897658013.png - (627.11KB , 976x1400 , Spoiler Picture.png )
I got caught up with this manga a few days ago. It's great. I've still got to check out Ressentiment, though.
I can't wait to see where this goes.

That was brutal.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
File 137000208579.png - (1.97MB , 1952x1400 , botr#08_196-197.png )
Volume 8's done. That was some shit.
>> No. 1809 [Edit]
I had a hell of a hard time trying to keep reading that when Tanishi showed up.

I don't like Chiharu at all.
>> No. 1810 [Edit]
Shit, I honestly didn't dislike Chiharu up to this point.
>> No. 1816 [Edit]
I don't really like her too. But in a way, its not entirely her fault. Shes naive, clueless and stupid.

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