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File 132342050830.png - (558.83KB , 970x1400 , 1323419930331.png )
843 No. 843 [Edit]
Whats the source for this?

While we're at it, how about make this a manga identification thread?
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>> No. 976 [Edit]
File 132900121532.jpg - (145.86KB , 1456x1082 , 1324447897644.jpg )
Where's this from? I see it posted occasionally.
>> No. 983 [Edit]
Kokou no Hito
>> No. 993 [Edit]
File 132973742398.jpg - (428.44KB , 990x1408 , 1329712005719.jpg )
>> No. 1000 [Edit]
File 133125133659.jpg - (948.60KB , 1128x1600 , 1331246421798.jpg )
could you help me ID ?
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
You could have found this yourself in 20 seconds
>> No. 1002 [Edit]
exhentai no longer works
>> No. 1003 [Edit]
works for me
>> No. 1004 [Edit]
well could tell me the name of the doujin or something, please
>> No. 1005 [Edit]
Make an account on ehentai and be not logged in
delete exhentai cookies
log into ehentai then access exhentai
>> No. 1009 [Edit]
File 133167076177.png - (114.67KB , 859x404 , 1331475145521.png )
>> No. 1010 [Edit]
How does Japan make being an Americanised punk look cooler than actually being an American punk?
>> No. 1011 [Edit]
Americanised? I thought Japan made its own unique brand of juvenile delinquency and this being called 'yankee' was just a coincidence.
>> No. 1012 [Edit]
joshiraku chapter 8
>> No. 1020 [Edit]
Anyone know any manga which involve, or has some, stalking in it?
>> No. 1021 [Edit]

You know, I think I'll post it afterall. I doubt you'll get many replies either way.

You might notice that one of the top scoring manga in this category is Gintama which is about anything but stalkers (I mean seriously, how often does Sacchan even make an appearance). I assume the same is true for most manga listed. You can check just how 'stalker related' a manga is by looking up the tag's score - not much of a help but still better thand nothing. And of course, if stalking plays a major role it'll probably be mentioned in the description.
>> No. 1029 [Edit]
Thanks, I was scratching my head as to how use tags in baka-updates.
>> No. 1178 [Edit]
I think I read this on Fakku ages ago look for it under the vanilla tag.
>> No. 1180 [Edit]
I don't see why you have to spoiler Fakku. Its just a manga reading website with less content than exhentai but preloads the next page for you. Just avoid the forums.
>> No. 1765 [Edit]
File 13682478393.jpg - (339.27KB , 708x928 , mmhb80py5A1.jpg )
Anyone knows where this came from?
>> No. 1766 [Edit]

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