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File 128937778699.jpg - (188.11KB , 800x1235 , Genshikenv01000a.jpg )
84 No. 84 [Edit]
>According to Afternoon magazine, a sequel manga to Genshiken was announced to start in December issue to be released on October 25th. The title is "Genshiken Nidaime" and the fifth president Ogiue Chika struggles to keep the new freshman members of Genshiken.
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>> No. 85 [Edit]
>> No. 86 [Edit]
Isn't that out already? I remember reading it somewhere.
>> No. 87 [Edit]
Oh wait that was just a oneshot.
>> No. 88 [Edit]
File 128937787097.jpg - (190.22KB , 600x803 , g2.jpg )
My body is so ready for this.
>> No. 89 [Edit]
Good news but I have my doubts on whether the sequel will be as good as Genshiken.
>> No. 90 [Edit]
File 12893778971.jpg - (243.30KB , 400x556 , 1285656210378.jpg )
>> No. 91 [Edit]
Oh Haruhi , I was not ready for this news when I came scrolling by.

Nevertheless, thanks for letting us know.
>> No. 92 [Edit]
Didn't like how most of the new cast is centered around fujoshi, meh.

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