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File 132309688229.jpg - (1.06MB , 2048x3072 , IMG_4655.jpg )
828 No. 828 [Edit]
So when Naruto was first released in english by Viz I bought this volume one. I used to read it a lot and didn't think much of the fact that it's limited edition. Since naruto has exploded in the west, it has got me thinking that this may be worth something. Its a holographic cover, limited to 5000 printed. Mine is number 3596 of 5000. It is in poor quality however as it was read a lot. Does anyone know how much something like this is worth?
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>> No. 829 [Edit]
File 132309692631.jpg - (2.51MB , 3072x2048 , IMG_4650.jpg )
it is difficult to take photographs due to the holographic type foil cover
>> No. 831 [Edit]
Interesting, I didn't know Viz did something like that. I have no idea on its value though, you'd probably be better off asking on actual Naruto fansites, since there probably aren't any Naruto fans here.

If I had to guess, however, I would assume that Naruto's popularity in the Western manga market might have led to the publishing of other "limited" or special editions and thereby lowering the value of your version.

Post edited on 5th Dec 2011, 7:36am
>> No. 832 [Edit]
Well it's just manga, and it's in bad quality, so the most you could probably get out of it is $1.

I wouldn't mind being wrong and you end up getting as much as $2.

Anyway, good luck, OP!
>> No. 835 [Edit]
Condition is important for collector's items, so I wouldn't expect much. You might get lucky though, who knows.
>> No. 900 [Edit]
>If I had to guess, however, I would assume that Naruto's popularity in the Western manga market might have led to the publishing of other "limited" or special editions and thereby lowering the value of your version.
looks like youre right, theres a hardcover collectors edition of volume 1 in stock at amazon. the holo one is there too, looks like its not worth that much. but I couldnt see any on ebay so maybe try your luck there with a high starting bid.

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