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File 131400380297.jpg - (56.81KB , 350x500 , 510ujyWim1L.jpg )
659 No. 659 [Edit]
I'm at chapter 14 and main character just got a boyfriend. Why must my wonderful yuri relationship be ruined by male intervention? ;_;. Does it get better?
>> No. 661 [Edit]
Minor spoiler: She will dump him. This is an actual shoujo ai series, not one of those 'there's a girl who likes another girl but in the end on of them gets a boyfriend' stories.
>> No. 686 [Edit]
Looks cool. I've got a question for fans of this genre. Is there anything like this but the characters are adults in place of schoolgirls.
>> No. 687 [Edit]
try "Octave".
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
This was nice.

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