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File 131050498615.jpg - (57.33KB , 500x385 , to-love-ru_yamilick.jpg )
601 No. 601 [Edit]
Thoughts on To Love Ru manga.

I'm going to read it.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
My opinion isn't really much since a)I've only read the first 2 volumes and b)I'm not a fan of harem manga, especially since so many seem so formulaic and trite. That being said, I would advise you to go read doujins if you like the girls while finding better manga to read.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
If I wanted to read porn I would go read porn
>> No. 605 [Edit]
It's funny because it was axed due to lack of popularity (at least that's how I remember it) and yet To LOVE-Ru Darkness regularly outsells long-running Jump series.
>> No. 606 [Edit]
>It's funny because it was axed due to lack of popularity
It wasn't, it was axed because 3D women are filthy bitches and whores.
>> No. 607 [Edit]
>It's funny because it was axed due to lack of popularity
It wasn't, it was axed because 3D women are filthy bitches and whores.

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