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File 130610522674.jpg - (170.03KB , 689x1100 , jojos-bizarre-adventure-part-1.jpg )
512 No. 512 [Edit]
What do you consider entry-level manga?
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>> No. 520 [Edit]
Oh yeah, it is a shounen but I accidentally put it under seinen because I grouped Inoue's works together.
>> No. 578 [Edit]
>> No. 600 [Edit]
File 131044965767.jpg - (49.02KB , 552x413 , 4chanfail3.jpg )
A Tier

Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, FMA, HxH, Love Hina, Inuyasha
B Tier

Berserk, SAO, Gantz, Vinland Saga, Negima,
Soul Eater, Claymore.
C Tier

JJBA, Aria, 20th Century Boys, Deadman Wonderland

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