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File 130558940082.jpg - (202.34KB , 909x578 , Genshiken+CH+57+P31+Madarame+shocked.jpg )
509 No. 509 [Edit]
Anyone following the new
I just started on it and it seems like they turned into all moƩ girls club.

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>> No. 510 [Edit]
Yeah man. I usually go here for the discussion though:
>> No. 1156 [Edit]
File 134312057510.png - (108.89KB , 500x335 , genshiken75-mimasaka.png )
Does anyone enjoy the new direction that Genshiken is taking? As in, the focus on fujoshi rather than male otaku.

Delicious fat Yajima tits always related.
>> No. 1166 [Edit]
>Does anyone enjoy the new direction that Genshiken is taking?
I hate how they seem to shit on Madarame every chance they get.
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
God damn it Madarame.

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