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File 152720932073.png - (329.04KB , 581x870 , onepunchman.png )
3220 No. 3220 [Edit]
This manga has two versions, original web-comic by ONE (on hiatus since January 2017), and remake by Yuusuke Murata (but still written and guided by ONE). For the latter, the best translations are those made by UltimateKing and company, but they're always several days later than the fastest releases, up to a couple of weeks.

ONE version:
MURATA version:
MURATA latest, by UltimateKing:
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>> No. 3221 [Edit]
For anyone wondering about catching-up, I recommend you start and complete ONE's web-comic, and then catch up with Murata's version, which is also the one the anime is taken from.
>> No. 3222 [Edit]
File 152720947057.png - (1.07MB , 660x1040 , hunt.png )
Murata's Chapter 92 preliminary release is out:
(Translation: hdx514 - Typeset: IV's /a/)

The art in this chapter is fantastic.
>> No. 3272 [Edit]
File 153032693253.png - (427.41KB , 680x930 , yummy.png )
Murata's Chapter 93 is out:
The cover image is very indicating of how lewd Tatsumaki is in this chapter. Sure, she doesn't act lewd per se, but she doesn't have to either, she just has such an incredibly lewd design; they way her (satin?) clothes dangle on every curve, crevice and protrusion is just too much. Murata is truly a pervert. That aside, the episode is hilarious. I really like this manga and I -really- hope S2 does well, specially under J.C. Staff.
>> No. 3329 [Edit]
File 153470564243.png - (961.30KB , 1530x1138 , Page_126-127.png )
Murata's Chapter 94 is out:
All the bad-ass bladed bastards get to shine in this chapter, plus the newest fan-service character displayed from all angles.
>> No. 3337 [Edit]
File 153801046847.png - (492.40KB , 710x690 , 95.png )
Murata's Chapter 95 out:
More slashing goodness, but this time from Lightning Flash.

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