No. 3032
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I remember following Ruler of the Land for a bit. It was your classic martial arts beat-em-up but it was pretty fun. It just got a bit repetitive by the time I dropped it. I especially liked the subversion of the trope of earning an enemy clan's respect where the only one whose respect was earned was the clan leader, while the rest either followed him because he was head, or rebelled. It formed the basis of a cool arc but the whole thing was getting stale by that point and it didn't really keep up the momentum.
Also a few years back I read that webcomic, Fairytale for the Demon Lord or something like that. It was weird as fuck but the ending was great, a great twist to tie all the loose ends together. There was a sequel but it took the nicely tied up original and tries to move the story forward so I dropped it. If someone has read it and thinks its worthwhile, I'd not be opposed to picking it up again.
From China I've not read a whole lot. I've been keeping an eye on Mr. Train though, it's only got a few chapters presently but a chapter of it when it updates makes a nice way to spend 5-10 minutes. I like the art direction, and the setting/story is fun, if a bit nonsensical, and by a bit I mean close to totally nonsensical.