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File 146712878053.jpg - (67.44KB , 679x618 , ClkQww2UsAABlRs.jpg )
2915 No. 2915 [Edit]
Digital Manga Publishing and their new ecchi imprint, Pecchi's Kickstarter to fund a release of Kodomo No Jikan has announced that it has worked with original manga-ka, Kaworu Watashiya, to offer 3 more exclusive shikishis —one of Rin, of Mimi, and of Kuro.

The ‘From Watashiya’ tier level includes all the print volumes of Kodomo no Jikan, a 11” x 17” poster, a double-sided clear file, a tote bag, a set of three 2” rubber straps featuring the characters of Kodomo no Jikan, and an exclusive hand-drawn colored illustration from Kaworu Watashiya herself. There are three variations of the tier levels dedicated to each character. The tier level is priced at $1750.

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