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File 129540984349.jpg - (326.96KB , 862x1200 , KNH02_16.jpg )
257 No. 257 [Edit]
Yanderes are my fetish. Can you guys recommend me some manga with yanderes in them?

Some I can list off the top of my head:
-Koharu no Hibi
-Oniichan control
-Mirai nikki
-Medaka box

I don't mind if the yandere is a significant character or just a pebble on the sidewalk character.
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>> No. 582 [Edit]
>Koharu no Hibi
Oh god, this so fucking adorable.
>> No. 583 [Edit]
>> No. 599 [Edit]
File 131044916370.jpg - (158.00KB , 500x500 , Parsee7.jpg )
I am jealous.

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