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File 141648623846.jpg - (305.31KB , 676x1077 , ecover.jpg )
2290 No. 2290 [Edit]
Koe no Katachi ended recently, and I wanted to know if any of you guys read it or liked it, and what you guys thought about the ending. It's was quite a nice manga in my opinion, so I recommend it in case you haven't read it yet and have been looking to read something.
>> No. 2318 [Edit]
Hi. I read Koe no Katachi because you recommended it. It was great - thanks.

I could write more about what I thought about it (besides 'great') but manga like this end up making me feel miserable if I dwell too much on them so I guess I won't. It kinda reminded me of Cat Street even if they are absolutely nothing alike (it's purely subjective).

Anyway, thanks again, it was a good read.
>> No. 2322 [Edit]
>Cat Street
You read that too? Aww man I love it enough to write "aww". I still feel sad that I'll never get to experience hardships with good friends. If I could just go to that school, I've been having that wish for a long time now. Cat Street and Love Hina sparked my first interest in living together with people who could just take it easy together. But I guess it wouldn't be possible.

I didn't want to post because I don't really want to talk about it that much. It tried to make a happy end, but it felt unnatural as if everyone had to somehow "win". The guy judging the movie was way too harsh (again unnatural) and kind of antagonistic even though there had been no build up for it. If you're going to make him a dick at least give him some personal reason for it or something so you don't create a tool just to force a point.

The video arc as a whole was a mess, and the characters borderline crazy. That's how I recall it.
>> No. 2324 [Edit]

>I didn't want to post because I don't really want to talk about it that much.

In a way I understand what you mean since I didn't really have much to comment on either. I just wanted to say I enjoyed it.

>It tried to make a happy end, but it felt unnatural as if everyone had to somehow "win".

Yeah, that was a bit forced. And rushed, there were still so many things to resolve. Absolutely nothing regarding Ueno reached anything that resembled a conclusion for example. The same goes for most characters really.

>The guy judging the movie was way too harsh (again unnatural) and kind of antagonistic even though there had been no build up for it. If you're going to make him a dick at least give him some personal reason for it or something so you don't create a tool just to force a point.

I think that was done for comedy effect. It felt like a parody and I wouldn't even be surprised if the critic was based on a real person.

>The video arc as a whole was a mess, and the characters borderline crazy.

I felt that way too until the author kinda wrapped it up towards the end in a way that I felt made sense (even if it was unrealistic). Too much time got wasted on it either way. Frankly the whole middle part where they just get along and nothing happens didn't match the overall mood of the manga. At that stage they were legitimately 'pretend friends' as they had a lot of unresolved resentment for each other that they kept bottled up. I was glad when they got into another big argument on the bridge as I felt that event will push the plot forward... But the manga ended soon afterwards.

Anyway, it's far from perfect and it has it's flaws but it's a great read anyway.
>> No. 2334 [Edit]
I forgot to check up on it in a while so I finished it now. Overall I enjoyed the depressed and melodramatic teen-drama it had going for it and the characters were reasonably interesting. I agree with what others are saying about the ending, it doesn't live up to the rest of the series and while I understand the desire for a happy ending, it wasn't particularly satisfying.

I heard that it's getting an animated film. I'll probably watch it depending on what it covers.
>> No. 2402 [Edit]
I read it and I thought it was really good up until the end. The ending was to inconclusive for me. otherwise its really good.

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