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File 141027614551.jpg - (243.40KB , 869x1236 , j009.jpg )
2240 No. 2240 [Edit]
>Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san

This manga is pretty cute.
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>> No. 2282 [Edit]
File 141572622723.png - (400.39KB , 1257x1800 , img000004.png )
>> No. 2283 [Edit]
I want to live a life like that
>> No. 2285 [Edit]
Eh, I don't like it. The girl is unrealistically perfect at everything and the guy always gets sucked in and comes out the loser every time in a predictable and exaggerated manner.
>> No. 2286 [Edit]
It justs a simple comedy manga, you don't have to take it so seriously.
>> No. 2287 [Edit]
I don't find it funny.

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