No. 182
Personally for me, this manga was kind of a mixed bag. There were a couple stories that I really disliked (such as the last chapter, thank god Kotonoha released that chapter first. I'd have been bummed out to read that as the end to this collection) but on the whole, most stories managed to successfully pull off being poignant so I still thought it was a great read.
Out of all the chapters, I absolutely loved the one about A-ko the shopkeep at the train station. Inio managed to make that one cute and melancholic without going down too much into the grimdark end with a lot of deep moody monologues that he sometimes tends to do (which I'm not the biggest fan of). The best part is that it was less than 20 pages and everything felt so tight, not a single panel felt unneccessary or wasted.
Which chapters did you particularly like?