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File 135112979694.jpg - (45.46KB , 444x360 , Untitled-12c.jpg )
1252 No. 1252 [Edit]
Anyone else reading this? I just picked it up on the suggestion of my cousin, and I actually really like it.
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>> No. 1254 [Edit]
Never heard of this.

It's complete?
>> No. 1256 [Edit]
File 135118423513.jpg - (72.16KB , 692x1062 , mousou_shoujo_otakukei_v01_c00_07_extra_atlas_mous.jpg )
No, but I cant find anything beyond volume 3
>> No. 1259 [Edit]

Oh wow, this is interesting.
>> No. 1271 [Edit]
I wonder how many fujoshi actually wear coke bottle glasses and braids.
>> No. 1272 [Edit]
There was one I vaguely knew in middle school who did.

She was tolerable to a degree, but it was hard to get her to shut up about Yaoi or Hetalia.

Strangely enough, she was relatively popular.

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