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896 No. 896 [Edit]
I have 50 dollars that I want to get rid of in my paypal account.
What do you recommend me besides this precious nemuneko?
>> No. 897 [Edit]
I recommend you buy me a figma.
>> No. 898 [Edit]

A figma + shipment + nemuneko?

I don't think 50 bucks is enough.
>> No. 899 [Edit]
Donate it to the site. The donation link is near the bottom of the FAQ.
>> No. 900 [Edit]
That would be a pretty good idea actually. It's something we would all benefit from
>> No. 901 [Edit]

I guess I can donate a little something to help the site.
>> No. 902 [Edit]
ignore this, buy a fig
>> No. 903 [Edit]
Buy a fig.

Also tell me if I can transfer the funds into my bank account from my paypal. Just started using it and it's kind of crucial.
>> No. 904 [Edit]
Ignore this, donate to the site.
>> No. 905 [Edit]
yes, you can.
>> No. 906 [Edit]
You should buy ten big macs.
>> No. 907 [Edit]

Relax, relax, I can do both!
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